danishcake / ShokoRocketAndroid

Android version of ShokoRocket
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

ShokoRocket Android

A clone of the famous Chu-Chu Rocket.

ShokoRocket screenshot


I wrote this many years ago, and back then Android phones weren't what they are now.

Devices had:

This means that ShokoRocket is written in a way that /should/ accomodate these low end devices, but it doesn't make use of the latest and greatest APIs, and might not look great on a 4K screen.


There are two steps to building ShokoRocket

  1. Generate bitmaps
    The art for ShokoRocket lives under the art folder, and is defined as a bunch of SVGs. These can be rendered using the art/render.sh script.
    This script requires Inkscape and bc on the path.

    Protip You can skip this step if you don't change the art

  2. Providing signing keys
    Edit local.properties and set the following
  1. Build the signed APK
gradlew assembleRelease

The resulting APK will be written to app/build/outputs/apk/release.

This process is due a bit of streamlining and dev-ops-ificiation.

License and privacy policy

A privacy policy is required by Google Play, so one is included. No data is collected, and it takes 3000+ characters to say so

MIT license applied. If you do fork it, drop me a message. I'll be delighted.