danjonpeterson / dti_preproc

preprocessing scripts for diffusion imaging
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dti_preproc - IBIC DTI preprocessing scripts


This project is a collection of scripts and utilities aimed at simplifing DTI preprocessing.

The main features of this package are:

These scripts are intended implement ‘state of the art’ preprocessing options by default. This includes motion correction with FSL’s ‘eddy’, with rotation of the b-vectors, and tensor estimation using RESTORE.

Preparing the Data

This script assumes all B0s and DWIs are concatenated into one 4d image, with the B0 images first. Depending on the type of EPI unwarping required, you may need to create an "acquisition parameter file" and/or an "index file" in FSL format, described here. You will also need to generate an initial brain mask.

Make-Based Pipeline:

These scripts can be integrated into a processing pipeline based on ‘GNU Make’, using the approach described in Askren et al. 2016. example_makefile.mk can serve as a template, but will need to be modified for your particular environment.

To help with functionality in make-based pipelines, there is the addtional flag -T <name> which allows you to supply a prefix to the temp directory to make sure two directiories don't end up with the same name while make is running concurrently.

Files in the Repository

main scripts

report generation

These are called by the main scripts but may be invoked on their own

utilites for preparing the data

utilities that are called by other scripts

other resources



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