danjperron / NoContactWaterDetect

PIC12F1840 using cap active sense to detect water
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Capacitive sensor to detect water in pipe using a small cpu PIC12F1840

The PIC code

- WaterDetect.c      Source code in C to be compile via MPLAB (x).
- WaterDetect.hex    Compile code to be burn into cpu using Raspberry Pi burnLVP or pickit


- NoContactWaterDetectPic12F1840Schema.png      module schematic
- NoContactWaterDetectRpiInterfaceSchema.png    Raspberry Pi interface.
- NoContactWaterDetect.jpg                      Picture of the prototype

MODBUS Version

- modbuslayout.png                              Raspberry Pi Modbus layout with water detect module
- rs485switch.c                                 Source code to interface Raspberry Pi with RS-485 module
- rs485switch.hex                               Hex file version of the compile source code
- RS485Switch.png                               Raspberry Pi interface schematic

- WaterDetectModbus.c                           Source code of water detect module
- CRC16.c                                       CRC 16 bit algorithm source code
- WaterDetectModbus.hex                         Hex file of the compile source code
- WaterDetectRs485.png                          Pic Water Detect module schematic

- CheckM.py                                     Python code which display how to read frequency of 4 modules.
- CheckModbus.py                                Python code to read one module.
- TestSlave127.py                               Python code to check cpu after program burn.
- SlaveAddress.py                               Python code to change module slave address.

WEB Interface using wepiopi

- WebModbus.py                                  Python code for webiopi
- index.html                                    html main 
- index.fr.html                                 html main in french
- ModbusSettings.html                           html settings
- ModbusSettings.fr.html                        html settings in french