danjperron / burnLVP

Python code to program using the Raspberry Pi or the C.H.I.P. to program Microchip cpu like Pic12/16F and now PIC18F....
MIT License
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Python code to program using the Raspberry Pi Microchip cpu like Pic12/16F and now PIC18F....

 The Python code

  - burnLVP.py      Original Python code use to program pic12F... and pic16F.....
  - burn18.py       Python code to program pic18F....  Please use burnLVPx.py instead

  BurnLVPx          ( PIC12,16 and 18 family)

  - burnLVPx.py     Version to burn PIC12 and PIC18 Familly.
  - CpuPIC12.py     PIC12 & PIC16 class
  - CpuPIC18F.py    PIC18 generic class
  - CpuPIC18FXX2    PIC18FXX2 class  (like  PIC18F258)
  - CpuPIC18F2XXX   PIC18F2XXX Class (like PIC18F2580)
  - CpuPIC18FXXK80  PIC18FXXK80 Class (like PIC18F26K80)
  - CpuPIC18F2_4XK22 PIC18F2_4XK22 Class thanks to Pascal Sandrez
  - CpuPIC16F8X     PIC16F8X Class (PIC16F87,PIC16F88)
  - burnGPIO.py     IO interface to quickly change type  of IO. (PC , USB, etc..)


  - RpiPgm.png      Original  schematic to program PIC12F1840 via Raspberry Pi GPIO .
  - PIC16F88_5V_HowToConnect.jpg    shcematic on how to program pic16F88 on LVP with 5V supply

P.S. You will need python2.7 and intelhex modules

 For the chip cpu just follow these instructions

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install git
 sudo apt-get install python
 sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip
 sudo pip install intelhex
 git clone https://github.com/danjperron/burnLVP
 sudo apt-get install build-essential
 git clone git://github.com/xtacocorex/CHIP_IO.git

 And now you are able to program
  chip@chip:~$ git clone https://github.com/danjperron/RS485switch
  Clonage dans 'RS485switch'...
  remote: Counting objects: 18, done.
  remote: Total 18 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 18
  Dépaquetage des objets: 100% (18/18), fait.
  Vérification de la connectivité... fait.
  chip@chip:~$ cd burnLVP
  chip@chip:~/burnLVP$ sudo python burnLVPx.py ~/RS485switch/rs485switch.hex 
  [sudo] password for chip: 
  File " /home/chip/RS485switch/rs485switch.hex " loaded
  Scan CPU 
  Check PIC12/16...
  Cpu Id   = 0x0
  Revision =  0x4
  Found  PIC12F1840 from Cpu Family  PIC12/16
  Cpu Id: 0x1b80  revision: 4
  Bulk Erase Program , Data. .... done.
  Program blank check................................Passed!
  Data Blank check........Passed!
  Writing Program................................Done.
  Program check ................................Passed!
  Writing Data Done.
  Data check  Passed!
  Writing Config..Done.
  Config Check..Passed!
  Program verification passed!