dankamongmen / libnetstack

Small library around rtnetlink to track networking stack elements
Apache License 2.0
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A small C library for tracking and querying the local networking stack

by nick black dankamongmen@gmail.com

Build Status

libnetstack allows netstack objects to be created, queried, and destroyed. When created, a netstack discovers all networking elements in its network namespace (interfaces, routes, addresses, neighbors, etc.—see CLONE_NET), and registers for netlink messages announcing any changes. These changes can be passed back to the user via callbacks. It furthermore keeps a cache of these elements up-to-date based on netlink, and the user can query this cache at any time. Design goals included minimal footprints for both memory and compute, while supporting fast lookups in the presence of millions of routes.

Why not just use libnl-route?

Feel free to use libnl-route. I wasn't enamored of some of its API decisions. Both libraries are solving the same general problem, both only support Linux, and both use libnl. I intend to support FreeBSD in the future.

I believe libnetstack to be more performant on the very complex networking stacks present in certain environments, and to better serve heavily parallel access. The typical user is unlikely to see a meaningful performance difference. Also, libnl hasn't seen an update since 2014, and definitely doesn't support things like ethtool over netlink.

Libnetstack is Apache-licensed, whereas libnl-route is LGPL.

Why not just use ioctl()s, as Stevens taught us?

UNIX Network Programming's third and most recent edition was 2003. Much has happened since then. The various ioctl() mechanisms require polling, and are incomplete compared to rtnetlink(7).

Why not just use netlink(3) directly?

It's a tremendous pain in the ass, I assure you.

Getting libnetstack


libnetstack is present in the AUR.

Debian Unstable packages are available from DSSCAW.



mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && make test && sudo make install

You know the drill.


A struct netstack must first be created using netstack_create(). This accepts a netstack_opts structure for configuration, including specification of callbacks. NULL is returned on failure. A program may have an many netstacks as it likes, though I don't personally see much point in more than one in a process. This does not require any special privileges.

struct netstack* netstack_create(const netstack_opts* opts);
int netstack_destroy(struct netstack* ns);

Once a netstack is no longer needed, call netstack_destroy() to release its resources and perform consistency checks. On failure, non-zero is returned, but this can usually be ignored by the caller.

The caller now interacts with the library in two ways: its registered callbacks will be invoked for each event processed, and it can at any time access the libnetstack cache. Multiple threads might invoke callbacks at once (though this does not happen in the current implementation, it might in the future). Ordering between different objects is not necessarily preserved, but events for the same object ("same" meaning "same lookup key", see below) are serialized.

Initial enumeration events

By default, upon creation of a netstack all objects will be enumerated, resulting in a slew of events. This behavior can be changed with the initial_events field in network_opts:

Object types

Four object types are currently supported:

The remaining objects are all associated with a single iface, but multiple ifaces might each lay claim to overlapping objects. For instance, it is possible (though usually pathological) to have the same address on two different interfaces. This will result in two address objects, each reachable through a different iface.

In general, objects correspond to rtnetlink(7) message type families. Multicast support is planned.


Usually, the caller will want to at least configure some callbacks using the netstack_opts structure passed to netstack_create(). A callback and a curry may be configured for each different kind of object. If the callback is NULL, the curry must also be NULL.

typedef enum {
  NETSTACK_MOD, // a non-destructive event about an object
  NETSTACK_DEL, // an object that is going away
} netstack_event_e;

// Callback types for various events. Even though routes, addresses etc. can be
// reached through a netstack_iface, they each get their own type of callback.
typedef void (*netstack_iface_cb)(const struct netstack_iface*, netstack_event_e, void*);
typedef void (*netstack_addr_cb)(const struct netstack_addr*, netstack_event_e, void*);
typedef void (*netstack_route_cb)(const struct netstack_route*, netstack_event_e, void*);
typedef void (*netstack_neigh_cb)(const struct netstack_neigh*, netstack_event_e, void*);

// Policy for initial object dump. _ASYNC will cause events for existing
// objects, but netstack_create() may return before they've been received.
// _BLOCK blocks netstack_create() from returning until all initial enumeration
// events have been received. _NONE inhibits initial enumeration.
typedef enum {
} netstack_initial_e;

// The default for all members is false or the appropriate zero representation.
// It is invalid to supply a non-NULL curry together with a NULL callback for
// any type. It is invalid to supply no callbacks together with all notracks.
typedef struct netstack_opts {
  // a given curry may be non-NULL only if the corresponding cb is also NULL.
  netstack_iface_cb iface_cb;
  void* iface_curry;
  netstack_addr_cb addr_cb;
  void* addr_curry;
  netstack_route_cb route_cb;
  void* route_curry;
  netstack_neigh_cb neigh_cb;
  void* neigh_curry;
  // If set, do not cache the corresponding type of object
  bool iface_notrack, addr_notrack, route_notrack, neigh_notrack;
  netstack_initial_e initial_events; // policy for initial object enumeration
} netstack_opts;

Accessing cached objects

Since events can arrive at any time, invalidating the object cache, it is necessary that the caller either:

Both mechanisms are supported. Each mechanism takes place while locking at least part of the netstack internals, possibly blocking other threads (including those of the netstack itself, potentially causing kernel events to be dropped). Once the object is obtained, see "Querying objects" below for the API to access it.

It's generally recommended to use the reference-counter approach, aka "sharing". While the object is held, it cannot be destroyed by the netstack, but it might be replaced. It is thus possible for multiple objects in this situation to share the same key, something that never happens in the real world (or in the netstack's cache). Failing to down the reference counter is effectively a memory leak.

// Take a reference on some netstack iface for read-only use in the client.
// There is no copy, but the object still needs to be freed by a call to
// netstack_iface_abandon().
const struct netstack_iface* netstack_iface_share_byname(struct netstack* ns, const char* name);
const struct netstack_iface* netstack_iface_share_byidx(struct netstack* ns, int idx);

The second mechanism, a deep copy, is only rarely useful. It leaves no residue in the netstack, and can only explicitly be shared with other threads. This could be important for certain control flows and memory architectures.

// Copy out a netstack iface for arbitrary use in the client. This is a
// heavyweight copy, and must be freed using netstack_iface_destroy(). You
// would usually be better served by netstack_iface_share_*().
struct netstack_iface* netstack_iface_copy_byname(struct netstack* ns, const char* name);
struct netstack_iface* netstack_iface_copy_byidx(struct netstack* ns, int idx);

Shares and copies can occur from within a callback. If you want to use the object that was provided in the callback, this can be done without a lookup or taking any additional locks:

// Copy/share a netstack_iface to which we already have a handle, for
// instance directly from the callback context. This is faster than the
// alternatives, as it needn't perform a lookup.
const struct netstack_iface* netstack_iface_share(const struct netstack_iface* ni);
struct netstack_iface* netstack_iface_copy(const struct netstack_iface* ni);

Whether deep-copied or shared, the object can and should be abandoned via netstack_iface_abandon(). This should be done even if the netstack is destroyed, with the implication that both shared and copied netstack_ifaces remains valid after a call to netstack_destroy().

// Release a netstack_iface acquired from the netstack through either a copy or
// a share operation. Note that while the signature claims constness, ns will
// actually presumably be mutated (via alias). It is thus imperative that the
// passed object not be used again by the caller!
void netstack_iface_abandon(const struct netstack_iface* ni);

Enumerating cached objects

It is possible to get all the cached objects of a type via enumeration. This requires providing a (possibly large) buffer into which data will be copied. If the buffer is not large enough to hold all the objects, another call can be made to get the next batch (it is technically possible to enumerate the objects one-by-one using this method), but this is not guaranteed to be an atomic view of the object class.

The number of objects currently cached can be queried, though this is no guarantee that the number won't have changed by the time a subsequent enumeration is requested:

// Count of interfaces in the active store, and bytes used to represent them in
// total. If iface_notrack is set, these will always return 0.
unsigned netstack_iface_count(const struct netstack* ns);
uint64_t netstack_iface_bytes(const netstack* ns);

Enumeration currently always takes the form of a copy, never a share (shared enumerations will be added if a compelling reason for them is found). Two buffers must be provided for an enumeration request of up to N objects:

No more than N objects will be enumerated. If objs becomes exhausted, or N objects do not exist, fewer than N will be enumerated. The number of objects enumerated is returned, or -1 on error.

// State for streaming enumerations (enumerations taking place over several
// calls). It's exposed in this header so that callers can easily define one on
// their stacks. Don't mess with it. Zero it out to start a new enumeration.
typedef struct netstack_enumerator {
  uint32_t nonce;
  uint32_t slot;
  struct netstack_iface* hnext;
} netstack_enumerator;

// Enumerate up to n netstack_ifaces via copy. offsets must have space for at
// least n elements, which will serve as offsets into objs. objs is a flat
// array of size obytes. streamer ought point to a zero-initialized
// netstack_enumerator to begin an enumeration operation. If
// netstack_iface_enumerate() is called again using this same streamer, the
// enumeration picks up where it left off. A NULL streamer is interpreted as a
// request for atomic enumeration; if there is not sufficient space to copy all
// objects, it is an error, and the copying will be aborted as soon as
// possible. Unlike other errors, n and obytes will be updated in this case to
// reflect the current necessary values.
// Returns -1 on error, due to invalid parameters, insufficient space for an
// atomic enumeraion, or failure to resume an enumeration (this can happen if
// too much has changed since the previous call--enumerations aren't really
// suitable for highly dynamic environments). No parameters are modified in
// this case (save the atomic case, as noted above). Otherwise, the number of objects
// copied r is returned, r <= the original *n. n is set to the number of
// objects remaining. obytes is set to the bytes required to copy the remaning
// objects. streamer is updated, if appropriate. The first r values of offsets
// give valid byte offsets into objs, and a (suitably-aligned) network_iface is
// present at each such offset. Their associated buffers are also present in
// objs. The pointers and bookkeeping within the netstack_ifaces have been
// updated so that the resulting objects can be used with the standard
// netstack_iface API. There is no need to call netstack_iface_abandon() on
// these objects.
// An enumeration operation is thus successfully terminated iff a non-negative
// number is returned, and *n and *obytes have both been set to 0. Note that
// a 0 could be returned without completion if objs is too small to copy the
// next object; in this case, neither *n nor *obytes would be 0.
int netstack_iface_enumerate(const struct netstack* ns,
                             uint32_t* offsets, int* n,
                             void* objs, size_t* obytes,
                             netstack_enumerator* streamer);

The streamer parameter is used to stream through the objects. It must be zeroed out prior to the first call of an enumeration sequence, and should not be modified by the caller. Repeating a call with a streamer that has already completed is not an error (0 will be returned, and n and obytes will both be set to 0). An enumeration returning an error should not be retried with the same streamer.

For a positive return value r, the r values returned in offsets index into objs. Each one is a (suitably-aligned) struct netstack_iface. These netstack_ifaces do not need to be fed to netstack_iface_abandon().

Querying objects


Interfaces are described by the opaque netstack_iface object. Interfaces correspond to physical devices (there can sometimes be multiple interfaces per physical device, either by configuration or by default) and virtual devices. Interfaces can be up or down, might or might not have carrier, might have a broadcast domain or might be point-to-point, might have multiple link-layer addresses, might have a link-layer broadcast address, will have a queueing discipline, might be in promiscuous aka "sniffing" mode, and will have a name of fewer than IFNAMSIZ characters.

There are almost always more than one interface on a modern machine, one of which is almost always a loopback device with addresses of (IPv4) and ::1/128 (IPv6).

There are a great many types of interface beyond loopback and Ethernet (802.11 WiFi devices look like Ethernet at Layer 2).

// name must be at least IFNAMSIZ bytes. returns NULL if no name was reported,
// or the name was greater than IFNAMSIZ-1 bytes (should never happen).
char* netstack_iface_name(const struct netstack_iface* ni, char* name);

unsigned netstack_iface_type(const struct netstack_iface* ni);
unsigned netstack_iface_family(const struct netstack_iface* ni);
int netstack_iface_index(const struct netstack_iface* ni);
unsigned netstack_iface_flags(const struct netstack_iface* ni);

static inline bool netstack_iface_up(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  return netstack_iface_flags(ni) & IFF_UP;

// Has a valid broadcast address been configured?
static inline bool netstack_iface_broadcast(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  return netstack_iface_flags(ni) & IFF_BROADCAST;

// Is this a loopback device?
static inline bool netstack_iface_loopback(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  return netstack_iface_flags(ni) & IFF_LOOPBACK;

// Is this a point-to-point link?
static inline bool netstack_iface_pointtopoint(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  return netstack_iface_flags(ni) & IFF_POINTOPOINT;

// Does this link lack ARP?
static inline bool netstack_iface_noarp(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  return netstack_iface_flags(ni) & IFF_NOARP;

// Is the interface in promiscuious mode?
static inline bool netstack_iface_promisc(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  return netstack_iface_flags(ni) & IFF_PROMISC;

// pass in the maximum number of bytes available for copying the link-layer
// address. if this is sufficient, the actual number of bytes copied will be
// stored to this variable. otherwise, NULL will be returned.
static inline void*
netstack_iface_l2addr(const struct netstack_iface* ni, void* buf, size_t* len){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_iface_attr(ni, IFLA_ADDRESS);
  return netstack_rtattrcpy(rta, buf, len) ? buf : NULL;

// same deal as netstack_iface_l2addr(), but for the broadcast link-layer
// address (if one exists).
static inline void*
netstack_iface_l2broadcast(const struct netstack_iface* ni, void* buf, size_t* len){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_iface_attr(ni, IFLA_BROADCAST);
  return netstack_rtattrcpy(rta, buf, len) ? buf : NULL;

// Returns the MTU as reported by netlink, or 0 if none was reported.
static inline uint32_t
netstack_iface_mtu(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_iface_attr(ni, IFLA_MTU);
  uint32_t ret;
  return netstack_rtattrcpy_exact(rta, &ret, sizeof(ret)) ? ret : 0;

// Returns the link type (as opposed to the device type, as returned by
// netstack_iface_type
static inline int
netstack_iface_link(const struct netstack_iface* ni){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_iface_attr(ni, IFLA_LINK);
  int ret;
  return netstack_rtattrcpy_exact(rta, &ret, sizeof(ret)) ? ret : 0;

// Returns the queuing discipline, or NULL if none was reported. The return is
// heap-allocated, and must be free()d by the caller.
char* netstack_iface_qdisc(const struct netstack_iface* ni);

// Refresh stats for all interfaces. Blocking call, as it involves writing to
// and reading a reply from netlink. Following a success,
// netstack_iface_stats() can be used to get the new stats.
int netstack_iface_stats_refresh(struct netstack*);

// Returns interface stats if they were reported, filling in the stats object
// and returning 0. Returns -1 if there were no stats.
static inline bool
netstack_iface_stats(const struct netstack_iface* ni, struct rtnl_link_stats64* stats){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_iface_attr(ni, IFLA_STATS64);
  return netstack_rtattrcpy_exact(rta, stats, sizeof(*stats));

// Get the nth IRQ of the device, or -1 on failure. Currently only works for
// directly-attached PCIe NICs (i.e. we don't look up xhci_hcd IRQs for a USB
// device) using MSI.
int netstack_iface_irq(const struct netstack_iface* ni, unsigned qidx);

// Get the number of MSI interrupts for the device.
unsigned netstack_iface_irqcount(const struct netstack_iface* ni);


Addresses are described by the opaque netstack_addr object. Addresses can be configured by any number of automatic and manual means, and there are often multiple valid L3 addresses on a single interface.

const struct rtattr* netstack_addr_attr(const struct netstack_addr* na, int attridx);
unsigned netstack_addr_family(const struct netstack_addr* na);
unsigned netstack_addr_prefixlen(const struct netstack_addr* na);
unsigned netstack_addr_flags(const struct netstack_addr* na);
unsigned netstack_addr_scope(const struct netstack_addr* na);
int netstack_addr_index(const struct netstack_addr* na);

// Returns true iff there is an IFA_ADDRESS layer 3 address associated with this
// entry, *and* it can be transformed into a presentable string, *and* buf is
// large enough to hold the result. buflen ought be at least INET6_ADDRSTRLEN.
// family will hold the result of netstack_addr_family() (assuming that an
// IFA_ADDRESS rtattr was indeed present).
static inline char*
netstack_addr_addressstr(const struct netstack_addr* na, char* buf,
                         size_t buflen, unsigned* family){
  const struct rtattr* narta = netstack_addr_attr(na, IFA_ADDRESS);
  if(narta == NULL){
    return NULL;
  *family = netstack_addr_family(na);
  if(!netstack_rtattr_l3addrstr(*family, narta, buf, buflen)){
    return NULL;
  return buf;

// Returns true iff there is an IFA_LOCAL layer 3 address associated with this
// entry, *and* it can be transformed into a presentable string, *and* buf is
// large enough to hold the result. buflen ought be at least INET6_ADDRSTRLEN.
// family will hold the result of netstack_addr_family() (assuming that an
// IFA_LOCAL rtattr was indeed present).
static inline char*
netstack_addr_localstr(const struct netstack_addr* na, char* buf,
                       size_t buflen, unsigned* family){
  const struct rtattr* narta = netstack_addr_attr(na, IFA_LOCAL);
  if(narta == NULL){
    return NULL;
  *family = netstack_addr_family(na);
  if(!netstack_rtattr_l3addrstr(*family, narta, buf, buflen)){
    return NULL;
  return buf;

// Returns the address label, or NULL if none was reported. The return is
// heap-allocated, and must be free()d by the caller.
char* netstack_addr_label(const struct netstack_addr* na);

// Returns address cacheinfo if they were reported, filling in the cinfo object
// and returning 0. Returns -1 if there was no such info.
static inline bool
netstack_addr_cacheinfo(const struct netstack_addr* na, struct ifa_cacheinfo* cinfo){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_addr_attr(na, IFA_CACHEINFO);
  return netstack_rtattrcpy_exact(rta, cinfo, sizeof(*cinfo));


Routes are described by the opaque netstack_route object. Routes can be configured by the administrator, a DHCP client, a routing server, IPv6 advertisements, and other means.

const struct rtattr* netstack_route_attr(const struct netstack_route* nr, int attridx);
unsigned netstack_route_family(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_dst_len(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_src_len(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_tos(const struct netstack_route* nr);
// Routing tables are indexed 0-255
unsigned netstack_route_table(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_protocol(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_scope(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_type(const struct netstack_route* nr);
unsigned netstack_route_flags(const struct netstack_route* nr);

static inline bool netstack_route_notify(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_flags(nr) & RTM_F_NOTIFY;

// Was the route cloned from another route?
static inline bool netstack_route_cloned(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_flags(nr) & RTM_F_CLONED;

static inline bool netstack_route_equalize(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_flags(nr) & RTM_F_EQUALIZE;

static inline bool
netstack_route_str(const struct netstack_route* nr, int attr, char* buf,
                   size_t buflen, unsigned* family){
  const struct rtattr* nrrta = netstack_route_attr(nr, attr);
  if(nrrta == NULL){
    return false;
  *family = netstack_route_family(nr);
  if(!netstack_rtattr_l3addrstr(*family, nrrta, buf, buflen)){
    return false;
  return true;

static inline bool netstack_route_dststr(const struct netstack_route* nr,
                                         char* buf, size_t buflen,
                                         unsigned* family){
  return netstack_route_str(nr, RTA_DST, buf, buflen, family);

static inline bool netstack_route_srcstr(const struct netstack_route* nr,
                                         char* buf, size_t buflen,
                                         unsigned* family){
  return netstack_route_str(nr, RTA_SRC, buf, buflen, family);

static inline bool netstack_route_gatewaystr(const struct netstack_route* nr,
                                             char* buf, size_t buflen,
                                             unsigned* family){
  return netstack_route_str(nr, RTA_GATEWAY, buf, buflen, family);

static inline int
netstack_route_intattr(const struct netstack_route* nr, int attr){
  const struct rtattr* rt = netstack_route_attr(nr, attr);
  int ret = 0;
  if(rt && RTA_PAYLOAD(rt) == sizeof(ret)){
    memcpy(&ret, RTA_DATA(rt), RTA_PAYLOAD(rt));
  return ret;

static inline int
netstack_route_iif(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_intattr(nr, RTA_IIF);

static inline int
netstack_route_oif(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_intattr(nr, RTA_OIF);

static inline int
netstack_route_priority(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_intattr(nr, RTA_PRIORITY);

static inline int
netstack_route_metric(const struct netstack_route* nr){
  return netstack_route_intattr(nr, RTA_METRICS);

static inline const char*
netstack_route_typestr(unsigned rtype){
    case RTN_UNSPEC: return "none";
    case RTN_UNICAST: return "unicast";
    case RTN_LOCAL: return "local";
    case RTN_BROADCAST: return "broadcast";
    case RTN_ANYCAST: return "anycast";
    case RTN_MULTICAST: return "multicast";
    case RTN_BLACKHOLE: return "blackhole";
    case RTN_UNREACHABLE: return "unreachable";
    case RTN_PROHIBIT: return "prohibit";
    case RTN_THROW: return "throw";
    case RTN_NAT: return "nat";
    case RTN_XRESOLVE: return "xresolve";
    default: return "?";

static inline const char*
netstack_route_scopestr(unsigned scope){
    case RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE: return "global"; // global route
    case RT_SCOPE_SITE: return "site"; // interior route in the local AS
    case RT_SCOPE_LINK: return "link"; // route on this link
    case RT_SCOPE_HOST: return "host"; // route on the local host
    case RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE: return "nowhere"; // destination doesn't exist
    default: return "?";

static inline const char*
netstack_route_protstr(unsigned proto){
    case RTPROT_UNSPEC: return "unknown";
    case RTPROT_REDIRECT: return "icmp";
    case RTPROT_KERNEL: return "kernel";
    case RTPROT_BOOT: return "boot";
    case RTPROT_STATIC: return "admin";
    case RTPROT_GATED: return "gated";
    case RTPROT_RA: return "rdisc/nd";
    case RTPROT_MRT: return "meritmrt";
    case RTPROT_ZEBRA: return "zebra";
    case RTPROT_BIRD: return "bird";
    case RTPROT_DNROUTED: return "decnet";
    case RTPROT_XORP: return "xdrp";
    case RTPROT_NTK: return "netsukuku";
    case RTPROT_DHCP: return "dhcp";
    case RTPROT_MROUTED: return "mcastd";
    case RTPROT_BABEL: return "babeld";
    case RTPROT_BGP: return "bgp";
    case RTPROT_ISIS: return "isis";
    case RTPROT_OSPF: return "ospf";
    case RTPROT_RIP: return "rip";
    case RTPROT_EIGRP: return "eigrp";
    default: return "?";


Neighbors are described by the opaque netstack_neigh object. Neighbors can be configured by the administrator or proxy ARP servers, but more typically they follow a natural periodic discovery state machine. Many link types do not have a concept of neighbors.

const struct rtattr* netstack_neigh_attr(const struct netstack_neigh* nn, int attridx);
int netstack_neigh_index(const struct netstack_neigh* nn);
int netstack_neigh_family(const struct netstack_neigh* nn); // always AF_UNSPEC
unsigned netstack_neigh_flags(const struct netstack_neigh* nn);

static inline bool
netstack_neigh_proxyarp(const struct netstack_neigh* nn){
  return netstack_neigh_flags(nn) & NTF_PROXY;

static inline bool
netstack_neigh_ipv6router(const struct netstack_neigh* nn){
  return netstack_neigh_flags(nn) & NTF_ROUTER;

unsigned netstack_neigh_type(const struct netstack_neigh* nn);
//                   NOARP, PERMANENT}
unsigned netstack_neigh_state(const struct netstack_neigh* nn);

// Returns true iff there is an NDA_DST layer 3 address associated with this
// entry, *and* it can be transformed into a presentable string, *and* buf is
// large enough to hold the result. buflen ought be at least INET6_ADDRSTRLEN.
// family will hold the result of netstack_neigh_family() (assuming that an
// NDA_DST rtattr was indeed present).
static inline bool netstack_neigh_l3addrstr(const struct netstack_neigh* nn,
                                            char* buf, size_t buflen,
                                            unsigned* family){
  const struct rtattr* nnrta = netstack_neigh_attr(nn, NDA_DST);
  if(nnrta == NULL){
    return false;
  *family = netstack_neigh_family(nn);
  if(!l3addrstr(*family, nnrta, buf, buflen)){
    return false;
  return true;

// Returns true iff there is an NDA_LLADDR layer 2 address associated with this
// entry, *and* buf is large enough to hold it. buflen ought generally be at
// least ETH_ALEN bytes.
static inline bool netstack_neigh_l2addr(const struct netstack_neigh* nn,
                                         void* buf, size_t buflen){
  const struct rtattr* l2rta = netstack_neigh_attr(nn, NDA_LLADDR);
  if(l2rta == NULL){
    return false;
  if(buflen < RTA_PAYLOAD(l2rta)){
    return false;
  memcpy(buf, RTA_DATA(l2rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(l2rta));
  return true;

// Returns non-NULL iff there is an NDA_LLADDR layer 2 address associated with
// this entry, *and* it can be transformed into a presentable string, *and*
// memory is successfully allocated to hold the result. The result must in that
// case be free()d by the caller.
static inline char* netstack_neigh_l2addrstr(const struct netstack_neigh* nn){
  const struct rtattr* l2rta = netstack_neigh_attr(nn, NDA_LLADDR);
  if(l2rta == NULL){
    return NULL;
  char* llstr = netstack_l2addrstr(netstack_neigh_type(nn),
                                   RTA_PAYLOAD(l2rta), RTA_DATA(l2rta));
  return llstr;

// Returns true if an NDA_CACHEINFO rtattr is present, in which case cinfo will
// be filled in with the cache statistics for this entry.
static inline bool netstack_neigh_cachestats(const struct netstack_neigh* nn,
                                             struct nda_cacheinfo* cinfo){
  const struct rtattr* rta = netstack_neigh_attr(nn, NDA_CACHEINFO);
  if(rta == NULL){
    return false;
  memcpy(cinfo, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_PAYLOAD(rta));
  return true;


libnetstack maintains some statistics about each netstack. They can be retrieved with netstack_sample_stats(). Note that this call does not necessarily sample the stats in an atomic fashion.

typedef struct netstack_stats {
  // Current counts of each object class
  unsigned ifaces, addrs, routes, neighs;
  // Events for each object class (dumps + creations + changes + deletions)
  uintmax_t iface_events, addr_events, route_events, neigh_events;
  // The number of times a lookup + share or lookup + copy succeeded
  uintmax_t lookup_shares, lookup_copies;
  // Number of shares which have been invalidated but not destroyed
  uintmax_t zombie_shares;
  // The number of times the user looked up a key and it didn't exist
  uintmax_t lookup_failures;
  uintmax_t netlink_errors; // number of nlmsgerrs received from netlink
  uintmax_t user_callbacks_total; // number of times we've called back
} netstack_stats;

// Acquire the current statistics, atomically. netstack_stats netstack_sample_stats(const struct netstack ns, netstack_stats* stats);

## Examples