dankeboy36 / esp-exception-decoder

ESP8266/ESP32 Exception Decoder Extension for the Arduino IDE
MIT License
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arduino-ide esp32-arduino esp8266-arduino gdb vscode-extension

ESP Exception Decoder


⚠️ This project is in an early state.

Arduino IDE extension lets you get a more meaningful explanation of the stack traces and backtraces you get on ESP8266/ESP32. This extension is the reimplementation of the famous ESP8266/ESP32 Exception Stack Trace Decoder tool, written in Java.

ESP8266/ESP32 Exception Decoder Extension

⚠️ This extension has nothing to do with the Visual Studio Code extension for Arduino. This extension does not work in VS Code.



ESP Exception Decoder in Action


  1. You can enable blinking cursors in the decoder terminal with the "terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking": true setting.
  2. The "terminal.enablePaste": true setting enables pasting to the decoder terminal with the keyboard.
  3. You can tune the terminal font size with the setting "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 12.

    ℹ️ Reference the Advanced settings documentation of the Arduino IDE for more details.

    ⚠️ Customizing the terminal colors with the workbench.colorCustomizations setting is yet to be supported by Eclipse Theia (eclipse-theia/theia#8060). Hence, this feature is missing from the Arduino IDE.

    ⚠️ Arduino IDE has to support the path links that contain spaces in the decoder terminal. (eclipse-theia/theia#12643)

    ⚠️ terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior is unsupported in Arduino IDE. (eclipse-theia/theia#12644)


  1. Install the dependencies

    npm i

    ⚠️ You need Node.js >=16.14.0.

  2. Build the extension

    npm run compile

    ℹ️ Execute npm run package if you want to bundle the VSIX for production.

  3. Test the extension

    npm run test

    ℹ️ You can run the slow test with the npm run test-slow and all the tests with the npm run test-all command.

