is an R package for processing ocean glider data, with
support for Slocum and SeaExplorer devices.
Since oceglider
is not on CRAN, it must be installed from source. An
easy way to do that is to use the remotes
package to install it from
the github source. There are two main branches to consider. The one
called "develop" is in active development, and is likely the best one
to install if you want the latest features. Use
remotes::install_github("dankelley/oceglider", ref = "develop")
to install "develop". You may also want to consider installing the "main" branch, which is updated less frequently than "develop". This may be installed with
remotes::install_github("dankelley/oceglider", ref = "main")
but note that it may lack some important new features (and bug fixes) that are to be found in "develop". The authors work with "develop" from day to day, only merging to "main" occasionally.