dankogai / p5-encode

Encode - character encodings (for Perl 5.8 or better)
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Remove old disabled tests from t/gsm0338.t #152

Closed pali closed 4 years ago

pali commented 4 years ago

This is dead code as it is after END block. Moreover these tests are covered by other tests.

pali commented 4 years ago

Travis is somehow is not running... @dankogai can you disabled and enable it? In most cases this helps.

dankogai commented 4 years ago

Thank you! Travis looks fine now.


pali commented 4 years ago

But results are not available on github: https://github.com/dankogai/p5-encode/commits/master

I had same issue. I removed travis from gtihub https://github.com/settings/applications (revoke) and enabled it again via travis web. That helped.

dankogai commented 4 years ago

I did not have your problem travis just ran as expected.


the following commit just added perl 5.32 to .travis.yml and update to Changes, which also ran okay.


pali commented 4 years ago

I did not have your problem travis just ran as expected.

Really? I still do not see green marks on github page https://github.com/dankogai/p5-encode/commits/master for new commits that Travis finished. It means that Travis would not work also for pull requests.