Encode - character encodings
use Encode;
$ encguess README.md
See encguess -h
for more options.
The "Encode" module provides the interfaces between Perl's strings and the rest of the system. Perl strings are sequences of characters.
See `perldoc Encode` for the rest of the story
To install this module, type the following:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
To install scripts under bin/ directories also,
perl Makefile.PL MORE_SCRIPTS
make && make test && make install
By default, only enc2xs and piconv are installed.
To install *.ucm files also, say
perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_UCM
make && make test && make install
By default, *.ucm are not installed.
This module requires perl 5.7.3 or later.
This project was originated by Nick Ing-Simmons and later maintained by
Dan Kogai <dankogai at dan.co.jp>
. See AUTHORS for the full list of people
If you have any questions which perldoc Encode
does not answer, please
feel free to ask at perl-unicode@perl.org