danlg / lgen

MIT License
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Littlegenius is a Meteor application. It was scaffolded by iron-cli https://github.com/iron-meteor/iron-cli . See http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/


To build the iOS app, you will need a Mac OSX For Android, Windows, Linux or Mac can be used (the guidelines below have just been tested on Mac though).


You need to install:

*for iOS:

TO DO change the build process as it now works with iOS 9.1 SDK provided that the following block is added to Smartix-Info.plist

NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads

*for Android:



littlegenius can be built using npm build script in (app/package.json) Just npm run <command>

For XCode 7.1, when Archiving (build is fine), add in Build Settings -> Header Search Paths $(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include as you might get cdvviewcontroller-h-file-not-found error. See http://forum.ionicframework.com/t/cordova-cdvviewcontroller-h-file-not-found-in-xcode-7-1-beta/32232/5

  1. npm run build-apk <PASSWORD> or build-android.sh <PASSWORD> where PASSWORD is the storepass provided in the previous step NB: to sign only without building npm run sign-apk <PASSWORD> or sign-android.sh <PASSWORD>


The app uses Compose.io MongoDB managed database in UAT and production. The app uses DigitalOcean boxes for the app server. Both are colocated in San Francisco DigitalOcean datacenter (not available in Asia).


The UAT server is uat.gosmartix.com The production server is now.gosmartix.com They use a floating IPs. See https://www.digitalocean.com/company/blog/floating-ips-start-architecting-your-applications-for-high-availability/

Server side

Balance is used for port forwarding and round robin. http://www.inlab.de/balance.html http://www.inlab.de/balance.pdf To install it: sudo apt-get install balance sudo mkdir -m 01777 /var/run/balance/ then run balance-start.sh (custom shell script)

Building notes

from martijnwalraven, MDG https://forums.meteor.com/t/ios-test-flight-with-meteor-bug/7613/8 A mobile client decides where to connect to based on the settings in the generated index.html. These settings take their values based on environment variables that can either be set directly or be controlled with command options.

If you're using meteor build, you can specify the server to connect to with the --server option (this is similar to the --mobile-server option for meteor run). This sets the ROOT_URL and DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL in the generated index.html.

Because subsequent updates delivered through Hot Code Push replace the initially bundled index.html with a freshly generated one, the server should also be configured with the right connection URL. Otherwise, the client may not be able to connect, or perhaps connect to the wrong server, after a Hot Code Push.

Using meteor deploy takes care of setting these values automatically, so there is no need to specify anything in that case.. But when deploying on your own server, you have to make sure to set at least the ROOT_URL environment variable (DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL defaults to the same value). For Meteor Up, you can configure this in mup.json.

For a deployed app, view source on http:///cordova/index.html to see what configuration variables it sets (look for meteor_runtime_config__).

Advanced Build Customization

Most of the build configuration can be done in Mobile Configuration file starting from Meteor 0.9.4.

Sometimes you might need to override parts of the Cordova project that Meteor generates for you in the project/.meteor/local/cordova-build directory. For example, you might need to add some files to the build process in an ad-hoc way.

For these and other advanced purposes we have created a special top-level folder called cordova-build-override. The whole file tree of this directory will be cp -R (copied overwriting existing files) to the Cordova project right before the build and compilation step.

For example: if you want to have a customized config.xml, you can put it in project/cordova-build-override/config.xml.

Build notes

The npm run build-uat is not working to build the mobile iOS client. The problem is that the connection to the remote server doesn't work (Hence a blank screen, which is not temporary). For some reason npm run ios-device-uat must be run to build it.

Run bud

bud -c /opt/littlegenius/config/bud.conf.json -d See wiki https://github.com/danlg/lgen/wiki/Installing-bud-for-TLS-1.2-support

upgrade Meteor 1.3

Install nvm: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh | bash Install node 0.10.43: nvm install 0.10.43 Install npm latest: npm -g install npm@latest

start Mongo

/usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf

Manage services

sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf sysv-rc-conf

Install custom version of mup to allow compilation on Linux x64
