danmasta / ng-lazyload

Angular module for lazyloading images in your angular js applications.
MIT License
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Angular module for lazyloading images in your applications. Some of goals of this project worth noting include:


ngLazyload is composed of one provider, two services, and one directive. The preload and lazyload services can be injected into other parts of your app for preloading/ lazyloading on the fly. The directive can be used in templates to lazyload images via attributes. The provider can be injected into your app's configuration phase and used to set default global options.


app.config(['lazyloadProvider', function(lazyloadProvider){
  lazyloadProvider.set({adaptive: false, size: false, classes: true});


name description
returns current default options, optional key returns that value only
sets default options, accepts an object with key value pairs of options

Default Options

name value description
false boolean - attempt to load adaptive image url
false boolean or string - css property string to use as background-size on non <img> elements. value of true will determine best setting automatically. false disables output.
true boolean - enable/ disable loading and error classes

Service: lazyload

Lazyload service is itself a function that accepts four arguments and manages the lazyloading process. Always returns a promise that resolves with an <img> object if succesful or rejects with url if there is an error.

app.directive('someThing', ['lazyload', function(lazyload){
    link: function($scope, $element, $attributes, controller){
      var opts = {adaptive: true, classes: false};
      var load = lazyload('some-url.filetype', $element, $attributes, opts);
        // do stuff after img successfully loaded


name description
required - string - url path of image to load
optional - array - angular or jquery element to bind image to
optional - object - angular post-link normalized attributes object, necessary if setting options via element attributes
optional - object - lazyload configuration options

Service: preload

Preload service is a helper/ utility function for loading an array of image urls at once. It does not set any values on elements or modify the dom at all, it only loads urls and returns a promise using $q.all() that resolves when all urls have loaded. You can use the .notify() method to receive updates on loading status.

app.run(['preload', function(preload){
  var urls = [
    // do something when images have loaded


name description
required - array - array of url paths to load

Directive: lazyload

The lazyload directive is a very useful tool for lazyloading images from templates or dom elements. This is great for things like image sliders, page headers, blog images, etc. It will automatically watch the lazyload attribute for url changes and load the image whenever changed or updated.

<div lazyload="http://path-to-image.filetype"></div>

Configuring options via attributes

Any of the default options can be overriden on an individual basis with attributes by prefixing the option name with 'lazyload'

<div lazyload="http://path-to-image.filetype" lazyload-adaptive="true" lazyload-size="cover"></div>


The adaptive image loading breakpoints are as follows

affix breakpoint
$window.innerWidth < 768
$window.innerWidth < 992
$window.innerWidth < 1200

When adaptive is set to true, the url is affixed with one of the options above. If the affixed url is not found, it will fall back to the original non-affixed url and try again.


A few things I'm interested in pursuing with this project in the future are