danmermel / cryptario

Cryptic crossword solver
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A cryptic crossword solving service.


Check out this GitHub repository.



# Create infrastructure
cd terraform
terraform workspace set stage
terraform apply

# Add test data
cd ..
cd scripts
cp stagedata.txt data.txt
# !edit config.json to add "stage" to the database name
node bulkimport.js

# Deploy code
cd ..
cd lambda
./deploy.sh stage


# Create infrastructure
cd terraform
terraform workspace set prod
terraform apply

# Add test data
cd ..
cd scripts
cp proddata.txt data.txt
# !edit config.json to add "prod" to the database name
node bulkimport.js

# Deploy code
cd ..
cd lambda
./deploy.sh prod

Taint the infrastructure

Terraform doesn't correctly update the AWS API Gateway infrastructure, so for every new API call we need to "taint" the API Gateway and re-deploy:

# prod
terraform taint -state=./terraform.tfstate.d/prod/terraform.tfstate  aws_api_gateway_rest_api.cryptario_api

# stage
terraform taint -state=./terraform.tfstate.d/stage/terraform.tfstate  aws_api_gateway_rest_api.cryptario_api

Remember to be in the right "workspace" otherwise it doesn't work.

Test the API

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d'{"clue":"ylator switf"}' https://stage.remebit.com/solver


curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d'{"clue":"ylator switf"}' https://prod.remebit.com/solver