danneu / guild

a node+koa+postgres forum currently in production
MIT License
22 stars 9 forks source link


Dependency Status

A forum running in production.

Setup and Install

The Guild is a Node.js app that talks to a Postgres database.

Archive Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20200604033753/https://github.com/plv8/plv8/issues/220

Building js/css assets

The guild uses gulp to build assets into the folder ./dist/ which will include a manifest file ./dist/rev-manifest.json that contains the name of the bundles.


You can run the task with:

npm run assets

If the dist folder exists, then the compiled js/css/fonts bundles will be served.

Otherwise, i.e. for development, all of the js/css/font files are loaded individually and uncompiled.

In other words, you must run npm run assets in production for the compiled assets to be served, and you must also remember to rebuild them when they change, else stale bundles will be served.

Config and Environment Variables

The Guild is configured with environment variable listed in server/config.js.

It will run with the default variables, but some features are turned off until they are configured: