danny316p / LEGO_and_Open_Source

This is a slide-based presentation prepared for ease of use by anyone, anywhere, for use in discussing how the LEGO fan community and the open source community play off each other.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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LEGO and Open Source

This is a slide-based presentation prepared for ease of use by anyone, anywhere, for use in discussing how the LEGO fan community and the Open Source community play off each other.

This slideshow is currently offered as an S5 presentation for maximum portability - you can view it as a text-only handout, as a slideshow in any modern web browser, and even without an internet connection (provided you've already downloaded the presentation itself).

Getting Started

Do you just want to view the presentation in your browser without digging through code or cloning the repository first? Here's a direct link: http://danny316p.github.io/LEGO_and_Open_Source/s5/s5-lego_and_open_source.html

Similarly, if you're looking for where to edit the content of this presentation, the path is s5/s5-lego_and_open_source.html

Other code used in this presentation


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

You are highly encouraged to fork this presentation on GitHub and submit a pull request to contribute your fixes back to this project. The "Attribution" aspect of this license applies not to the individual authors involved but to this project on GitHub, and the community that supports it.


A list of events where these slides have been presented is on this project's wiki at https://github.com/danny316p/LEGO_and_Open_Source/wiki#presentations-of-lego-and-open-source