dannycbowman / cageo-rnomads

Code examples from Bowman and Lees (2015) Near real time weather and ocean model data access with rNOMADS, Computers & Geosciences DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.02.013
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Example code from Bowman and Lees (2015) Near real time weather and ocean model data access with rNOMADS. Computers & Geosciences DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.02.013 Source code documents for this paper are: rNOMADS_dods_examples.R rNOMADS_grib_examples.R code_snippets_in_paper.R

code_snippets_in_paper.R includes the code examples in the manuscript itself, supplemented with inline comments. rNOMADS_dods_examples.R and rNOMADS_grib_examples.R are designed to demonstrate rNOMADS functionality using the GrADS-DODS data retrieval system and the GRIB data retrieval system. Both sets of source code will generate the same figures. In order to run them, you must have R 3.1.1 installed; download it for free here: http://cran.r-project.org/ You must also have an active Internet connection. Ubuntu/centOS users may have to install additional software: libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libboost-dev in order to get rNOMADS to install correctly. Since Windows and MacOS download rNOMADS in binary form (rather than compiling it from the source), they should have no trouble.

Once rNOMADS has been successfully installed: If data fail to download from the NOMADS server, wait a half hour and try again - sometimes the model data is not available online yet. Alternatively, the whole server could be down (this happens rarely).

Special consideration for the GrADS-DODS examples: If the code does not work, verify that your firewall is not blocking Port 9090.

Special consideration for the GRIB examples: These examples work on Linux and Mac OS; at least one user has gotten grib to work on Windows 7 but I am not sure how. You must compile and install wgrib2 and insure it is on your PATH variable - otherwise you will not be able to read GRIB files. Download wgrib2 for free here: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/ WARNING: do NOT use other sources of this code (e. g. no "apt-get install wgrib") as they will cause segmentation faults.

If you have any questions or are having trouble with any part of this process, please post a message to the rNOMADS mailing list: https://lists.r-forge.r-project.org/mailman/listinfo/rnomads-user