dannysmith / jimmy

Jimmy is a toy. That's all.
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Why Does Jimmy Exist?

Mainly, Jimmy is intended as an example app, for use when Danny is teaching. It also serves as a playground for testing new tools, best practices and ideas. One day, it might be good enough to actually use. That day is a long way off.

Installation and Configuration

Ensure you have Homebrew and Ruby installed (if you are on macOS).

Now clone the project and run the setup commands

git clone git@github.com:dannysmith/jimmy.git
cd jimmy
brew tap homebrew/bundle
brew bundle

Running the App Locally

Once you're set up, you can run this command, which will launch the processes defined in the Procfile in Overmind:


Running the Tests

Code Quality

There are a number of code quality tools available in this project. The following commands are available at the root of the project:

brakeman             # Scan for security vulnerabilities
bundler-audit        # Scan for outdated dependencies
mdl filename.md      # Scan a specific markdown file for style
rails_best_practices # Check for adherance to rails best practaces
reek                 # Scan for code smells
rubocop              # Scan for ruby styleguide violations
sandi_meter -d       # Print a report showing adherance to Sandy Metz' rules

rubycritic           # Open a browser window showing code quality metrics
rubrowser            # Run a server showing the app's node graph

bundle exec derailed bundle:mem     # Analyse memory at boottime
bundle exec derailed bundle:objects # Analyse memory at runtime

log_analyzer log/development.log -s count # Analyze the dev log for view rendering speeds
recent_ruby --gemfile Gemfile # Check wether the ruby version in the Gemfile has any security vulnerabilities.

Useful Rake Tasks

rake notes      # See TODO comments
rake traceroute # Search for unused routes and unreachable actions

Commits Policy and workflow

Deployment Pipeline

The apps deployment pipeline is managed entirely via Heroku.


Github Name Email
dannysmith Danny Smith hi@danny.is