danomatika / ofxMidi

(maintained) Midi addon for openFrameworks
262 stars 73 forks source link


MIDI input and output addon for openFrameworks

Copyright (c) Dan Wilcox 2011-2023
(original implementation by Chris O'Shea, Arturo Castro, Kyle McDonald)

BSD Simplified License.

For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution.

See Documentation on Github and the openFrameworks Forum post.

openFrameworks is a cross platform open source toolkit for creative coding in C++.


This project has been supported by the CMU Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, the DU Emergent Digital Practices Program, and my time at the ZKM | Hertz-Lab.


ofxMidi provides Music Instrument Digital Interface IO capability to an openFrameworks app

This project utilizes RtMidi for Mac, Windows, & Linux and PGMidi on iOS.


To use ofxMidi, first you need to download and install openFrameworks. ofxMidi is currently developed against the current stable version of openFrameworks on github.

To get a copy of the repository you can download the source from http://github.com/danomatika/ofxMidi/zipball/master or, alternatively, you can use git clone:

git clone git://github.com/danomatika/ofxMidi.git

The addon should sit in openFrameworks/addons/ofxMidi/.

Which version to use?

The master branch of ofxMidi will work with the current stable version of openFrameworks and can be considered relatively stable.

Previous versions are tagged using Semantic Versioning with the updates to newer versions of openFrameworks and MIDI libraries noted in the changelog, CHANGES.txt. You can select the tag in the Github "Current Branch" menu or clone and check it out using git.

If you want to use ofxMidi with a previous version of openFrameworks, checkout the corresponding version tag after cloning:

git clone git://github.com/danomatika/ofxMidi.git
cd ofxMidi
git checkout 1.0.5

MIDI Routing


Checkout a useful app for MIDI port routing called MIDI Patchbay.


Check out the Alsa utility apps aconnect & aconnectgui as well as the qjackctl gui for MIDI port routing control.


Windows does not come with a virtual MIDI routing system like Linux (ALSA) and macOS (CoreMIDI).

If you want to connect your ofxMidi app to other software (synths, DAWs, etc) check out loopMIDI. Run the app and create a few virtual ports which you can then connect to within your software.

Running an Example Projects

The example projects are in the ofxMidi/midiInputExample, ofxMidi/midiOutputExample, & ofxMidi/midiExampleIOS folders.

Project files for the examples are not included so you will need to generate the project files for your operating system and development environment using the OF ProjectGenerator which is included with the openFrameworks distribution.

To (re)generate project files for an existing project:

If everything went ok, you should now be able to open the generated project and build/run the example.


Open the Xcode project, select the Debug scheme, and hit "Run".


Open the QT Creator project file and/or build the example with the Makefile.

To build and run via Makefile on the terminal:

make run


Open the Visual Studio project, build and run.

Creating a New ofxMidi Project

Note: These instructions are for manually creating a new project. You do not need to follow these steps if you use the ProjecGenerator app.

To develop your own project based on ofxMidi, simply copy an example project and rename it. You probably want to put it in your apps folder, for example, after copying:

openFrameworks/addons/ofxMidi/midiExampleInput/ => openFrameworks/apps/myApps/midiExampleInput/

It must be 3 levels down in the openFrameworks folder structure.

Then rename the folder:



Rename the project in Xcode (do not rename the .xcodeproj file in Finder!):

Visual Studio

Adding ofxMidi to an Existing Project

Note: These instructions are for manually adding ofxMidi to a project. You do not need to follow these steps if you use the ProjecGenerator app to regenerate your project files.


Linux Makefiles/CodeBlocks

Edit addons.make in your project folder and add the following line to the end of the file:


Win Codeblocks & Visual Studio


Help, app crashes when receiving MIDI messages

As of ofxMidi 1.3.0, queued message passing is available for ofxMidiIn via getNextMessage().

If you are using direct message passing by sub-classing ofxMidiListener and receiving MIDI messages via the newMidiMessage() callback function, there is a chance of segmentation faults (and crashes) if you share the received messages between multiple threads (ie. main GUI, OSC receiver, etc).

Depending upon the design of your application, you may need to place a mutex object or shared lock around access to these resources shared between threads.

For example, in ofApp.h:

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {
ofxMidiIn midiIn;
std::vector<ofxMidiMessage> midiMessages; //< received messages
ofMutex midiMutex; //< MIDI message access mutex 

and ofApp.cpp:

void draw() {
  // draw current messages, lock in case of incoming messages
  // do something with midiMessages

void newMidiMessage(ofxMidiMessage& msg) {
    // lock and add new messages

This should stop multiple-thread access crashes, however may stutter incoming message timing as adding new messages will have to wait until the current frame is done. Another option is to use a lock-free design using a ring-buffer.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 on iOS

Steps contributed by Zach Lee.

There is a bug with the OF ProjectGenerator in 0.10 and 0.11 which may result in an iOS project using ofxMidi which will have build errors like the following:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_glBufferSubData", referenced from:
      ofBufferObject::updateData(long, long, void const*) in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(ofBufferObject.o)
  "_glBufferData", referenced from:
      ofBufferObject::setData(long, void const*, unsigned int) in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(ofBufferObject.o)
  "_glDeleteBuffers", referenced from:
      ofBufferObject::Data::~Data() in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(ofBufferObject.o)
  "_glUniformMatrix4fv", referenced from:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_EAGLContext", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(ES1Renderer.o)
      objc-class-ref in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(ES2Renderer.o)
      objc-class-ref in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(EAGLKView.o)
  "_glCheckFramebufferStatus", referenced from:
      -[ES2Renderer createFramebuffer:] in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(ES2Renderer.o)
     (maybe you meant: _glCheckFramebufferStatusFunc)
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_MIDINetworkSession", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in PGMidi.o
  "_AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey", referenced from:
      -[SoundStream handleInterruption:] in libofxiOS_iphonesimulator_Debug.a(SoundStream.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Showing first 200 notices only
Showing first 200 errors only

The fix is to remove a search path added by the PG which is causing the problem:

  1. click on your project in the sidebar
  2. select the project under TARGETS
  3. select the Build Settings tab
  4. scroll down to or find Framework Search Paths and remove the last entry:

iOS Framework search paths

Using static ofxMidi objects on Linux causes segmentation faults

Avoid creating static ofxMidiIn / ofxMidiOut objects on Linux as the compiler seems to set creation order so they are created before ALSA is ready. This leads to a confirmed segmentation fault on Ubuntu and probably all other flavors of Linux using ALSA. The midi apis on Windows and macOS do not share this problem.

Instead, create a static shared_ptr and initialize it later. For example, in .h:

class MyClass {


    static std::shared_ptr<ofxMidiOut> s_midiOut;

and in .cpp:

std::shared_ptr<ofxMidiOut> MyClass::s_midiOut;


// initialize somewhere else
void MyClass::setup() {
  if(s_midiOut == NULL) {
      s_midiOut = std::shared_ptr<ofxMidiOut>(new ofxMidiOut("ofxMidi Client"));

ofxMidi classes created in constructors don't seem to work

This is related to the issue above, in that the ofxMidi classes are being created too early in the app startup process and the back end MIDI library is not being set up correctly. The easiest & best solution is to call the ofxMidi class setup code as part of your ofApp's setup() function, whether there directly or within a subclass. This way you have direct control over when things are happening as opposed to within a constructor which may be called at an arbitrarily early point.


You can help develop ofxMidi on GitHub: https://github.com/danomatika/ofxMidi

Create an account, clone or fork the repo, then request a push/merge. Please use the develop branch of updates and pull requests.

If you find any bugs or suggestions please log them to GitHub as well.

Adding a Midi Back End

If you want to add a new midi back end (Android, Jack, etc), you'll need two classes derived from ofxBaseMidiIn & ofxBaseMidiOut.

Place your source files in a new folder named after your platform/library and add new include #ifdef flags to ofxMidiIn.h & ofxMidiIn.cpp.

Last, you'll need to add specific #ifdef flags to the static port info ofxMidiIn/Out functions (listPorts, getPortName, etc).

Updating Midi Libraries

RtMidi & PGMidi can be updated by running the update_rtmidi.sh or update_pgmidi.sh shell scripts in the scripts folder.

For RtMidi, edit the version setting in the script header and run the script to download and place the RtMidi sources into libs/rtmidi.

PGMidi sources are placed in libs/pgmidi.

RtMidi.cpp include

Next, make sure to add the following include to RtMidi.cpp at around line 38 or there will be link errors:

#include "ofxMidiConstants.h"