danruggi / datepicker

Ultralight datepicker vanilla JS CSS with no dependencies
MIT License
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vanilla datepicker


You can find working examples here >> Demo Page

Derivate from a hotels software at deskydoo

Ultralight (6.3KB) datepicker vanilla JS CSS with no dependencies

Click on the input fields downthere to see the examples

📳 Full Responsive
🌱 Double / Single Format
⚙️ Set The Date
🍀 Add "Any Date" Option
🔒 Disable Dates
💡 Relates 2 datepickers for range
📎 Execute external function on click
🤏 Minified version is just 7.7K ✌️ Just include 2 files and call many times you need in a page


  1. Include CSS and JS
<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/danruggi/datepicker/css/deskyCal.css'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/danruggi/datepicker/js/deskyCal.js"></script>
  1. Create any field with an unique ID in the page

    <input id='unique_id'>
  2. Init the calendar with a json containing all the inputs and the options

    new DeskyCalendar({"unique_id": {}})


CSS edit with css vars.

Screenshot Colors

Check the Demo Page >> Demo Page


Example 1: Two columns

Two column is default Just call the function passing just the id

// Just one parameter
const calOptions = {'unique_id': {mode: 'double'}}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 2: Call more
const calOptions = {
    'unique_id_1': {mode: 'double'}
    'unique_id_2': {mode: 'double', disableBefore: d2}
    'unique_id_3': {mode: 'double', nextInput: 'unique_id_4'}
    'unique_id_4': {mode: 'single', anyDate: true}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 3: One Column

One column pass single as second parmeter

// Just one parameter
const calOptions = {'unique_id': {}}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 4: Specify date

Pass a date as third parameter

//Create a date
const d = new Date(Date.parse('04 Dec 2025 00:12:00 GMT'));
const calOptions = {'unique_id': {defaultDate: d}}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 5: "Any Date"

Add a "Any Date" button to leave some free choice Generally useful in filters and reports Set 4th parameter as true

//Set anyDate
const calOptions = {'unique_id': {anyDate: true}}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 5: Range

Range options Specify the next ID, and clicking on the first input, Automatically disable dates in the second input Use the single mode

//Set the 5th parameter as the ID of the "other" input
//Use the "single" mode
const calOptions = {
    'unique_id_1': {mode: 'single', anyDate: true, nextInput: 'unique_id_2'},
    'unique_id_2': {mode: 'single', anyDate: true},
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 6: Disable Before or After Date

Disable selection before or after a date Using 6th and 7th parameters

//Create a date
const d2 = new Date();
const d3 = new Date();

//just an example, 2 days before and 10 days after

const calOptions = {
    'calendar_date_selector9': {mode: 'single', disableBefore: d2},
    'calendar_date_selector10': {mode: 'single', disableBefore: d2, disableAfter: d3},
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 7: Scroll into view

Add a scroll into on show. Generally useful when calendar goes out of borders on show up Set 8th parameter as true

//Set true the 8th parameter
calOptions = {"calendar_date_selector11": {scroll: true}}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)
Example 8: CallBack function

Specify a call back function on day click in 9th parameter. Try to select a date to see the result

//Set a external function on 9th parameter
calOptions = {"calendar_date_selector12": {mode: 'double', callback: this_is_callback}}
new DeskyCalendar(calOptions)

Check the Demo Page >> Demo Page