Become an OAuth2 provider with any auth backend.
ContinueWith is a service that proxies the OAuth2 flow between your backend and clients (apps that want to use you as an oauth provider). It handles:
For example, maybe you use Firebase, Supabase, or Clerk for manage your users and want to allow other sites to login users and access resources from your platform. ContinueWith manages this oauth flow on top of your existing auth system.
Notion does this: They allow their users to log in with social providers like Google, and also allow other platforms to log in their users with Notion and access things like pages and databases through the Notion API.
See the example provider and client to get a feel for what the behavior looks like, and how easy it is to implement as a provider.
The user api is the endpoint that clients use to handle the oauth2 flow with you. It looks roughly like this:
(insert flow chart)
The admin api allows you to check access tokens, manage clients, scopes, and more.
Normal access tokens have the prefix a_
. Client credential access tokens are a bit different: They have the prefix ca_
, and they resolve to the user UserID _client