dapplo / Dapplo.Addons

Dapplo.Addons makes it possible to extend your applications with addons in a simple way.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
9 stars 2 forks source link


Work in progress

Goals of this project:

To get an idea of how this can be used, here is a subset of the code how Greenshot starts:

// Configure your application
var applicationConfig = ApplicationConfigBuilder
    // Used for logging, configuration, and thread names
    // Used to prevent multiple instances
    .WithMutex("<your GUID>")
    // Enable Dapplo.Ini & Dapplo.Language support, these packages need to be added via nuget.
    // Enable support for IniSection resolving, no need to register them manually
    // Enable support for ILanguage resolving, no need to register them manually
    // Add directories to scan for dlls
    .WithScanDirectories("... directory ...")
    // Scan for all the assemblies, in the exe directory or specified scan directories, called Greenshot.Addon.*.dll

// Bootstrap it
using (var bootstrapper = new ApplicationBootstrapper(applicationConfig))
    if (bootstrapper.IsAlreadyRunning) {
        // Exit as we are already running
    // this starts all services you registered (implement IStartup or IStartupAsync, and registered as IService in the AddonModule)
    await bootstrapper.StartupAsync();

    // you can use the configured Autofac container, if needed:

    // Wait, if needed
// Shutdown of your services is automatically called when dispose is called

Every addon needs to have at least one class extending AddonModule, which is practically the same as an Autofac Module.

Example Service:

[Service(nameof(SomeAddonService), nameof(DependsOn))]
public class SomeAddonService : IStartupAsync, IShutdownAsync
    public async Task ShutdownAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        // Shutdown code
        await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken);

    public async Task StartupAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        // Startup code
        await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken);

Example AddonModule, which is an extension of Autofac.Module:

public class ExampleAddonModule : AddonModule
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)

Also look here for an example Test-Case on how to use this.

Every addon should use Dapplo.Addons as a reference, only the application container should use Dapplo.Addons.Bootstrapper It is heavily based upon Autofac, and can use the Dapplo.Config framework for inserting translations & configurations in your classes. The Dapplo.CaliburnMicro project extends this functionality, to have a MVVM application with Composition.

Disclaimer: This project was mainly created for Greenshot, to remove the complexity from there and contain it in a separate project. It was written by one person, and still very new, documentation is horrible and the API is not clean yet. But I use it in a couple of other projects, this saves me a lot of time and issues!