dappnetbby / dappnet

A bulletproof platform for decentralized frontends
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IPFS not starting, `ipfs` forcing migrations #41

Open liamzebedee opened 9 months ago

liamzebedee commented 9 months ago

ipfs has updated their schema, and check this on launch of their daemon. An outdated schema forces the ipfs daemon to ask for input from stdin, which is breaking functionality in the Dappnet Client.

Version: 1.7.2


(base) ➜  ~ /Applications/Dappnet.app/Contents/MacOS/Dappnet
[telemetry] Telemetry enabled: true
[telemetry] Client-Id 6722a25e-76d9-4bcf-95de-988629813952
[telemetry] OS darwin
[telemetry] OS Version 21.2.0
[telemetry] Arch x64
[telemetry] App Version 1.7.2
Dappnet v1.7.2
Do what you think is great work.


updateServerUrl: https://dappnet-update-server-pi.vercel.app/update/darwin/1.7.2
[telemetry] desktop-app close {"time":1695110654556}
[telemetry] desktop-app open {"time":1695110656358}
APP_PATH: /Applications/Dappnet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar
APP_DATA_PATH: /Users/liamz/Library/Application Support
appPathUnpacked /Applications/Dappnet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked
execPath /Applications/Dappnet.app/Contents/Frameworks/Dappnet Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/Dappnet Helper
ipfsPath /Applications/Dappnet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/vendor/ipfs/kubo_v0.18.1_darwin-amd64/ipfs
IPFS_PATH /Users/liamz/Library/Application Support/.ipfs/
IPFS_CONFIG_PATH /Users/liamz/Library/Application Support/.ipfs/config
IPFS: starting the daemon
launching ipfs
[exec] /Applications/Dappnet.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/vendor/ipfs/kubo_v0.18.1_darwin-amd64/ipfs daemon
[ipfs] Initializing daemon...
Kubo version: 0.18.1
Repo version: 13

[ipfs] System version: amd64/darwin
Golang version: go1.19.1
Found outdated fs-repo, migrations need to be run.
Run migrations now? [y/N]