dappnetbby / dappnet

A bulletproof platform for decentralized frontends
MIT License
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What is Dappnet?

Dappnet is a portal to decentralized frontends. Using Dappnet, anyone can publish a dapp/website under their .eth domain, and users can access it seamlessly using their browser - just type uniswap.eth. All content is hosted on IPFS, and there is no dependence on centralized gateways (.eth.limo, .eth.link) or servers.

The software consists of a desktop app, which bundles a local IPFS node, local ENS gateway, and some other good stuff, and a browser extension. All of this complexity is hidden from the user - check out the demo vid to see.


Currently supports macOS with Chrome/Firefox.

Follow the install guide.

Learn more.

The Dappnet documentation is officially located here, and contributions are welcomed in the dappnet-docs repo.


Some useful tools for hackers:


Dappnet is licensed under a Business Source License, similar to our friends at Uniswap and Aave. See LICENSE.


In order of usage: