dappnode / DAppNodePackage-prysm-prater

[Prater testnet] Wrapper for the Prysm Eth2 client, beacon and validator binaries
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 5 forks source link

Prysm DAppNode package (prater config)

prysm github prysm participate

Prysm prater ETH2.0 Beacon chain + validator

Validate with prysm: a Go implementation of the Ethereum 2.0 Serenity protocol and open source project created by Prysmatic Labs. Beacon node which powers the beacon chain at the core of Ethereum 2.0


Grafana dashboard thanks to the amazing work of metanull-operator

Updated Champion/s
:heavy_check_mark: @tropicar


  1. Select a Prysm branch, current work progress use to be tracked at develop branch. Set the branch env in the docker-compose.dev.yml

  2. Build Prysm with the branch defined with

npx @dappnode/dappnodesdk build --compose_file_name=docker-compose.dev.yml