dappnode / DappnodePackage-block-explorer

a private, locally-hosted block explorer that uses your dappnode
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Block Explorer DappNode Package

A block explorer for your dappnode's ethereum client. Uses Alethio open-source block explorer.



The dappnode block explorer uses local data to provide a ethereum block explorer that is fast, reliable, and private.


  1. Install the dnp (ipfs hash QmauPMK5fa87yek2k42aes3x6x5kGSkkcVSCXGxPFodaS7) via this installer url (must be on dappnode wifi/vpn): http://my.dappnode/#/installer/%2Fipfs%2FQmauPMK5fa87yek2k42aes3x6x5kGSkkcVSCXGxPFodaS7
  2. Access your block explorer at http://block-explorer.dappnode

Integration with non-geth clients

By default, the block-explorer expects the eth1 http-rpc endpoint to be found at http://geth.dappnode:8545/

If you are not using geth as you eth client, you will need to update the package configuration with the correct url for your client.


Metamask Integration

You can also set this dapp as the block explorer for your metamask!

Simply set the block explorer to http://block-explorer.dappnode in metamask network settings for your custom dappnode network.



This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details