daqcri / allegator-track

DAFNA Visualization
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Installation Instructions

Install system dependancies

System libraries

apt-get install curl libpq-dev postgresql git sendmail

RVM and Ruby

curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby=2.1.3
gem install bundler

Get code and install required gems

git clone git@github.com:Qatar-Computing-Research-Institute/dafna-viz.git
cd dafna-viz

Setup environment

Setup database (not required for Heroku setup, except for the CREATE EXTENSION statement)

Before running the foreman commands below, make sure the database credentials match the actual parameters you have used, depending on your environment (see below).

sudo -u postgres psql postgres
$ create role dafnaviz with createdb login password 'dafnaviz';
$ \q

foreman run rake db:create
foreman run rake db:migrate
foreman run rake db:seed

Note we don't use db:setup because we have hard-coded indices in migrations that are not reflected in schema.rb. The db:migrate command is always needed whenever you update the code and have new files in db/migrate folder.

Load the intarray extension so that some sql functions work (idx for example), must be database super user:


Choose one of the following sub-sections, depending on your installation environment.

1- Development

The database credentials are found in config/database.yml and should match those in the database setup step. Copy .env-development to .env and add AWS S3 keys to access the bucket defined in S3_BUCKET variable. The keys should allow both GetObject and PutObject for the bucket. Manage the keys from AWS IAM service. Here is an example policy for the keys you should generate for a bucket named allegatortrack-dev:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Stmt1412245103000",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Moreover, the bucket should have a CORS Configuration as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

Modify the AllowedOrigin tag as necessary if you run the rails server on a different port.

Finally start the application server using the development configuration:

foreman start

This will start the app on the default port 5000, if you want to change the port, for example to 4000:

PORT=4000 foreman start

2- Production

2.1- Linux Server

Do the same as development, but start from .env-production and use a different bucket. Set the AllowedOrigin tag to the production URL. Also you need to create an account on Pusher and get the keys to be put in .env. The database credentials are configured through the environment variables and should match those in the database setup step. Finally precompile assets using the following:

foreman run rake assets:precompile

Finally start the application server using the production configuration:

foreman start

This will start 1 web process and 1 worker process, to start more:

foreman start worker=3,web=1

Note that you need a web server to proxy the requests from the Internet to this internal port. You can use either nginx or Apache, on the same machine or on another machine in the same network.

2.2- Heroku

You need first to provision the following add-ons:

These add-ons will configure the environment accordingly. Verify by typing heroku config and note the corresponding environment variables. You need to add 3 more configuration variables for AWS:


Generate the keys the same way that is mentioned in the Linux Server section. Do this by typing: heroku config-set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX, same for other 2.

Adjust the number of web and worker dynos using the heroku ps command on through the web dashboard.

Updating instructions

Development and Production (Linux server)

Ctrl+C # to stop the app server
git pull # get latest code
bundle # if Gemfile/Gemfile.lock are updated
foreman run rake db:migrate # if new files added in db/migrate
foreman run rake assets:precompile # Production only, if new assets added/modified in app/assets, lib/assets or vendor/assets.
foreman start # start the app server again


Whenever you push code to the heroku remote, the app will be automatically updated and restarted. You only need to run the db:migrate task if necessary.

Updating DAFNA-EA core

Whenever you update in the DAFNA-EA core, just run there:

mvn clean install

then copy the generated target/DAFNA-EA-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar into dafna-viz/vendor/DAFNA-EA-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar