darconeous / CCIDU2F

SmartCard U2F Adapter for macOS
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

SmartCard U2F Adapter for macOS

This is a tool for using FIDO U2F applets on smart cards and NFC tokens as if they were first-class U2F HID devices on macOS. You would use this if you want to, say, pair your NFC-only U2F token with your Google account (Google won't let you set up security tokens on your phone for some reason). It's also particularly useful if you are developing a U2F token on a smart card.

This program was a quick hack to get my own tokens paired to my Google account, but I figured others might find it useful. At the moment it isn't pretty and it isn't easy-to-install, either. If you read the code, keep in mind I haven't written Objective-C code in about 7 years, so I was a little rusty. But hey, it works. Forks and pull requests are welcome.

This project is based on SoftU2F. Without that project, this project would not exist. All hail SoftU2F.



It might go without saying, but in order to use this project you are going to need a smart card reader or some USB device that looks like a smart card reader to the computer (like an ACR122U, if you are doing NFC stuff). And a Mac.


Build it in Xcode.


First, install SoftU2F.

Then neuter the launch agent:

launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.SoftU2F.plist

You can now run CCIDU2F.


Run it from Xcode. I said this was a hack, right?


Once CCIDU2F is running in the background it is totally plug-and-play. When prompted to insert your U2F token, insert it or bring it toward the reader. It should "Just Work", no matter what browser you are using.

Note that 25% of registration requests will fail. This is a known bug in Apple's FIDO2 implementation. See this article for more info.