darenc9 / FitFuture

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Quick Links

Frontend: https://fit-future-ui.vercel.app/

Backend API: https://fit-future.vercel.app/

Table of Contents

  1. Installation Guide

    1.1. Prerequisites

    1.2. Installation

    1.3. Environment Variables

    1.4. Service Setup

    1.5. Locally running the app

    1.6. Deployment with Vercel

  2. Table of Deviations

  3. Usage Instructions

    2.1. Account Setup

    2.2. App Navigation

Installation Guide



  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/darenc9/FitFuture.git
    cd FitFuture
  2. Install dependencies

    • Run npm install on both directories: frontend-ui and backend-api

      Environment Variables

    • To run the project, you will need to set up a .env for both frontend-ui and the backend-api

    • backend-api .env:

    • frontend-ui .env:


      Service Setup

    • Amazon Cognito: Setup Amazon Cognito by creating a User Pool and adding the values to your .env

    • MongoDB: Sign up for an account, and create a new cluster and database. Plug the MongoDB URI to your .env

    • Vercel: Sign up for a Vercel account, connect to your project (can use Github).

    • Humanloop: Create a Humanloop account, add your OpenAI API to your account. Add the HUMANLOOP_API_KEY to your .env

    • OpenAI Playground: Create an account and obtain your OPENAI_API_KEY and add it to the .env

Locally running the app

Deployment with Vercel

Once your environment variables are set, your app will be live and ready to use.

Table of Deviations

Feature Notes
Calorie Tracking It was decided during the planning phase of this project that the calorie tracking feature would not be implemented due to time constraints. The team determined that it would be more realistic to exclude the feature from the implementation of our app.
Apple/Google Authentication The team originally thought of using Apple or Google authentication services to allow users to sign up and login, but we chose to use Amazon Cognito Authentication for those purposes instead. The authentication feature is not missing, it is simply using a different service than originally planned.

Usage Instructions

Account Setup

To use the FitFuture app you must first sign up and create an account:

  1. navigate to https://fit-future-ui.vercel.app/
  2. click on the create account tab and enter your details
  3. wait for MFA code to be sent to the email you signed up with
  4. upon logging in, complete your profile with your details
  5. Begin using the app

App navigation

To navigate throughout the app, utilize the navbar at the top of the screen

Home Page

This is where you can view your favourited workouts and routines in addition to signing out of your account. Clicking on a favourited item will take you to a page which will provide more details on them. In the case of a routine, it will display each of the workouts in the routine and in the case of a workout it will display all exercises in the workout

Profile Page

Navigating here will allow you to view your profile information, edit your profile in addition to viewing your previously completed exercises. Upon navigation to this page you will be able to sort your history by a date range and by newest or oldest. In addition, clicking on a history entry will display all of the set and rep information for that completed exercise

Browse Page

Navigating to this page will allow you to browse all preset and public workouts and routines that others have created, in addition to also being able to view all exercises in the database collection. Here you will also be able to see and favourite workouts and routines to make it easier to find the ones you enjoy doing. Click on a specific workout, routine or exercise will provide you with more details on it

Progress Page

Here you will be able to view your progress for your weight in addition to the progression of the weight you can do for your top three most done exercises


This chatbot will be accessible from any other page, and you can ask it for any help with workout related information and suggestions