dariodf / lcov_ex

Elixir lcov report generator
MIT License
31 stars 7 forks source link


Test coverage module to generate a lcov.info file for an Elixir project.

The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/lcov_ex.


Visualize line coverage

Many test coverage tools use lcov files as an input.

You can use it as I do to watch coverage progress in the following editors:

Please let me know if you made it work in your previously unlisted favorite editor. Or, if you're really nice, just add it to this list yourself :slightly_smiling_face:

Coverage report in CI

You can use mix lcov --exit in a Github Action CI to safely run your tests and generate the lcov file, and then use that with a report tool to generate a comment with code coverage information in your pull requests.

See this project's CI configuration for more info on how to set it up.


Add to your dependencies:

  def deps do
      {:lcov_ex, "~> 0.3", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}


mix lcov

File should be created at ./cover/lcov.info by default.



To run silently use the --quiet option:

mix lcov --quiet

--output <folder>

To output the file to a different folder, use the --output option:

mix lcov --output coverage
Coverage file successfully created at coverage/lcov.info


Exits with a non-zero exit code if the tests fail: the same code that mix test would have exited with.

mix lcov --exit

Umbrella projects

By default, running mix lcov at the umbrella level will generate the coverage report for all individual apps and then compile them into a single file at ./cover/lcov.info.


For umbrella projects you can choose to keep the individual apps lcov files with the --keep option:

mix lcov --keep
Coverage file for my_app created at apps/my_app/cover/lcov.info
Coverage file for my_other_app created at apps/my_other_app/cover/lcov.info

Coverage file for umbrella created at cover/lcov.info

Run for single umbrella app

You can choose to run mix lcov for any single app inside an umbrella project by passing its folder as an argument.

mix lcov /apps/myapp

File should be created at ./apps/my_app/cover/lcov.info by default.

As test coverage tool

Alternatively, you can set up LcovEx as your test coverage tool in your project configuration:

  def project do
      test_coverage: [tool: LcovEx, output: "cover"],

And then, run with:

mix test --cover

The output option indicates the output folder for the generated file.

Optionally, the ignore_paths option can be a list of path prefixes to ignore when generating the coverage report.

  def project do
      test_coverage: [tool: LcovEx, output: "cover", ignore_paths: ["test/", "deps/"]]