darionato / PostgreSqlMigrationSqlGenerator

Class to handle Entity Framework migrations with PostgreSQL
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Class to handle Entity Framework 5 migrations with PostgreSQL


  1. Npgsql (you can find it in NuGet)
  2. A database already creaded with a new schema called "dbo"
  3. [MaxLength(n)] attribute is required on each string properties of models


  1. Change your connection string into the file web.conf like this:
    <add name="DataContext" 
        connectionString="Server=;Port=5432;Database=db;UserId=postgres;Password=password;CommandTimeout=20;Preload Reader = true;" 
        providerName="Npgsql" />

Installation with NuGet

PM> Install-Package EntityFramework.v5.PostgreSql

What's next

The migrator will be added into the next release of Npgsql (>=2.2.0) so I think that this project will stop here :( (but happy for the full support of Npgsql :)!)