Synology VideoStation and MediaServer FFmpeg (and GStreamer) Wrapper with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD support. It enables hardware transcoding from Synology´s ffmpeg for video and transcoding DTS, HEVC, EAC3, AAC, True HD from the ffmpeg of the SynoCommunity. When you use this SynoCommunity´s ffmpeg, you will have AAC 5.1 512kbps Surround and another audio track MP3 2.0 256kbps Stereo for Chromecast or GoogleTV or other clients that don´t accept 5.1 AAC.
Works fine the OffLine transcoding and the streaming of tipical extensions like: MKV, MP4, AVI... Works fine the thumbnails in VideoStation.
This wrapper is a fork of BenjaminPoncet rev.12 with a some changes, fixes and some improvements in his code.
This installer is designed to simplify the installation steps and enable DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD support to Synology VideoStation and MediaServer by replacing the ffmpeg binary files by a wrapper using SynoCommunity ffmpeg, (only when It´s necessary). You will can change the order of the audio codecs in the Wrapper, install the most Advanced Wrapper with 5.1 or the Simplest one, patch DLNA MediaServer and VideoStation, all in the SAME Installer.
The Installer has Multi Language support (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian).
This enables the AAC and HEVC codecs and its license in the AME package, until DSM 7.2. This patcher enables Advanced Media Extensions 3.0 for you, without having to login account (You still need a valid S/N. If you need to spoof the S/N, please use the synocodectools). When you install this License's patch, the Wrapper must be uninstalled and you must to re-install it again. This is not mandatory to have it installed for installing the Wrapper.
(Use at your own risk, although it has been done to be as safe as possible, there could be errors. (Crack for XPEnology and Synology without AME's license).
(In low powered devices you only will have remux of the audio or only be able to play it without transcoding.)
sudo -i
to switch to root userBasic Installation command:
bash -c "$(curl "")"
With options:
bash -c "$(curl "")" -- -s <Flags>
Flags | Required | Description |
start | No | The default flag going to the MAIN Menu. |
install | No | This install the Advanced Wrapper. |
autoinstall | No | This install the Advanced/Simplest Wrapper without prompts (Automatic Mode) |
uninstall | No | This flag uninstall the patch. (Simplest or the Advanced one). |
config | No | Change the behaviour of the audio codecs for the Advanced Wrapper |
info | No | Show the general info of the Installer |