darkshapes / singularity

Attractive UI thin client for Shadowbox
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 1 forks source link
ai animation artificial-intelligence audio comfyui generative-ai graphics javascript machine-learning ml neural-network python reactflow

Singularity - A UI for Shadowbox


### [ [Windows](#windows) | [MacOS](#macos) | [Linux](#linux) ]
![Screenshot 2024-07-16 193141(1)](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/6e79bd1d-7dfa-4931-bcb9-4386b6d0128c)


For best results, we recommend using Shadowbox with 3D graphics cards. Please ensure you have the current driver installed for your card. NVIDIA. AMD.

## Windows
## > #### Typical Installation 1. > ###### Download [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/) 2. > ###### Check the `Install for All Users` and `Add Python.exe to Path` boxes in the installer > - [x] Install for All Users - [x] Add python.exe to Path 3. > ###### Confirm Python's installation . Hit Windows + R and write > ``` > cmd /k where python && pause > ``` > ##### This command should print a line that says something similar to `C:\Directory\Scripts\python.exe` If not, ensure the entered/ command is identical, then reboot and try again, or repeat the install step, double-checking that the options are selected. 4. > ###### Download [Git](https://git-scm.com/download/win) 5. > ###### In the installer, ensure the Git LFS box is marked > - [x] Git LFS (Large File Support) 6. > ###### Set Git to be usable from Windows Command line > - [x] Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software. 7. > ###### Set the option to `Use Windows' default console window` > - [x] Use Windows' default console window 8. > ###### Confirm the install by opening Command Prompt or Powershell. Hit Windows + R and write > ``` > cmd /k where git && pause > ``` > ##### This should print a line that says something similar to `C:\Program Files\Git\git.exe` If not, check your spelling, reboot and try again, or repeat the install step, double-checking that the options are selected. 9. > ##### While the terminal window is open, change the behavior of Command Prompt so it does not freeze when clicked: > ##### i. `right click` the Command Prompt title bar > ##### ii. choose `Properties` and uncheck the `QuickEdit Mode` box. Hit `OK`. > - [ ] QuickEdit Mode ## ### Please continue your installation by following [the python instructions](#python) ##
> #### Alternative Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation > ##### Though more AI components are supporte by WSL, these benefits may not compensate for the performance loss of WSL. For the best experience, we recommend using *[Windows Manual Install instructions](#windows)*. 1. > ###### Allow WSL through your firewall using Powershell with the following command in CMD: > ``` > powershell New-NetFirewallRule -Program “%SystemRoot%\System32\wsl.exe” -Action Allow -Profile Domain, Private -DisplayName “Allow WSL” > -Description “Allow WSL” -Direction Outbound > ``` 2. > ###### Enable Control Flow Guard > ``` > powershell Set-ProcessMitigation -Name vmcompute.exe -Enable CFG > ``` 3. > ###### i. [Download And Install Ubuntu LTS for WSL](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-manual#downloading-distributions) > ###### OR 3. > ###### ii. Download and Install Ubuntu LTS with Windows Subsystem for Linux from Command Line > ``` > wsl --install -d Ubuntu --web-download > ``` 4. > ###### Open WSL > ``` > wsl > ``` 5. > ###### Ensure Latest Python and Git > ``` > sudo apt-get -y install python3 python3-venv python3-pip git > ``` 6. > ##### Dedicate more system RAM by making a .wslconfig file. Follow [these instructions from Microsoft](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl-config#example-wslconfig-file) > ##### Next, choose your graphics card type below > ##
> ### NVIDIA 1. > ###### i. Get NVIDIA keys > ``` > wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/wsl-ubuntu/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb > ``` > **OR** 1. > ###### ii. Add NVIDIA to your repository sources > ``` > sudo 'echo "http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/wsl-ubuntu/x86_64 /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list' > ``` 2. > ###### Install Key > ``` > sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb > ``` > 3. > ###### Install **CUDA-TOOLKIT** > ``` > sudo apt-get -y install cuda-toolkit-12-5 > ```
> ### AMD - > ###### Please bear with us, We have yet to test this. If you would like to discuss this documentation, add an Issue at the top menu of the page.
> > ## > > ### Please continue your Windows Subsystem for Linux installation by following the [linux instructions](#linux) > > ##
## MacOS
1. > 1. ###### [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) users can open `Terminal` and enter: > ``` > brew install python > ``` > ###### then follow the [Python instructions](#linux). > > 2. ###### App Store users - Install [Xcode](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835) ## 2. > ###### Open `Terminal` and enter the following: > ``` > xcode-select --install 3. > ###### Follow the [Python instructions](#linux) >
## Linux


Linux users should update and upgrade repository

- WSL/Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get -y update & sudo apt-get -y upgrade
- Redhat/Fedora:
 sudo dnf update & sudo dnf upgrade
- Arch:
 sudo pacman -Syu

  1. Create a virtual environment in your current directory


Do not use the same virtual environment as an existing ComfyUI installation.


We recommend running this command from an easy to remember location while avoiding /home, /Program Files, /Windows, and other protected directories.

python3 -m venv .venv

  1. Activate the environment

    - Windows
    - Linux, MacOS and WSL
    source .venv/bin/activate

  2. Install PyTorch

    - NVIDIA:
    pip3 install torch==2.3.0+cu121 torchvision torchaudio --index-url=https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
    - AMD Linux:
    pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm6.0
    - AMD Windows:
    pip install torch-directml
    - MacOS/CPU:
    pip install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu


  1. Once PyTorch and Friends are installed, run this command to install Shadowbox to your current directory.

     git clone https://github.com/darkshapes/sdbx.git
    Anticipated functionality of ComfyUI will also allow you to run Singularity from command line.

  2. Install the last requirements

    cd sdbx
    pip install -r <(sed '/^[torch|torchaudio]/d' requirements.txt)

  3. [07/16/24 Hotfix] Remove /comfy/web folder, then place these folders inside the /sdbx root directory singularity072124.zip

  4. Launch Shadowbox

    python main.py --output-directory /YOUR_FOLDER_NAME --input-directory /YOUR_FOLDER_NAME/input
    python main.py --directml --output-directory /YOUR_FOLDER_NAME --input-directory /YOUR_FOLDER_NAME/input
    python main.py --force-fp16 --output-directory /YOUR_FOLDER_NAME --input-directory /YOUR_FOLDER_NAME/input

  5. Open your browser to


- Linux/WSL Developer Notes - > ##### Install build tools. WSL users should run in a Visual Studio Code prompt environment. > ``` > pip install packaging wheel ninja > ``` - > ##### Install xformers > ``` > pip install xformers==0.0.26.post1 > ``` > ## - > ##### Install flash-attention > ``` > pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation > ```

Lets create a more inviting and visually-pleasing ComfyUI using Typescript and ReactFlow!