darkterminal / turso-docker-php

Starter Template to start using Turso Database in Native PHP!
MIT License
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Shows a black logo in light color mode and a white one in dark color mode.

## Turso Docker PHP Starter Template to start using Turso Database in Native PHP! ## Requirement - [Turso CLI](https://docs.turso.tech/quickstart) - [VSCode Dev Containers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) If you want to connect with remote database and embedded replica, you will need an existing database to continue. If you don’t have one, [create one](https://docs.turso.tech/quickstart). Get the database URL: ```bash turso db show --url ``` Get the database authentication token: ```bash turso db tokens create ``` Assign credentials to the environment variables inside `.env`. ```bash TURSO_DATABASE_URL= TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN= ``` > You will want to store these as environment variables. ## Usage Clone using Git SHH ```bash git clone git@github.com:tursodatabase/turso-docker-php.git ``` or Clone using Git HTTPS ```bash git clone https://github.com/tursodatabase/turso-docker-php.git ``` Open directory you just cloned in VSCode then `cmd/ctrl+shift-p` > `Dev Containers: Reopen in Container`: ```bash Usage: ./start [OPTION] OPTION: -d, --daemon Run PHP server in the background -s, --status Show the status of the PHP server -k, --stop Stop the PHP server -h, --help Display this help message ``` Now! Open this address in browser: > Default connection is using local database file!