darmie / wasp

WASP ~ [WebAssembly Parser]
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WebAssembly Utility for Haxe

WASP is based on portions of Wagon, a WebAssembly interpreter in Go, and ported to the Haxe programming language.


Use the Lix dependency manager

Download dependencies

lix download


haxe build.hxml


import wasp.Module;
import wasp.disasm.Disassembly;
import haxe.io.BytesInput;
import sys.FileSystem;
import sys.io.File;
import wasp.wast.Writer;


try {
    // get wasm binary
    var source = FileSystem.fullPath("globals.wasm");
    if (FileSystem.exists(source)) {
        var raw = File.getBytes(source); // get raw bytes
        var reader = new BytesInput(raw);

        var module = Module.read(reader, null); // read wasm module

        var output = new StringBuf();

        Writer.writeTo(output, module); // write wasm bytes to text dump (wat) 

        Sys.println(output.toString()); // print dump
} catch(e:Any){
    throw e;

Instruction Set

WASP provides an ISA that can be useful in an interpreter or virtual machine. The ISA is defined as such:

 * ISA describes an instruction, consisting of an operator, with its
 * appropriate immediate value(s).
typedef ISA = {

     * Immediates are arguments to an operator in the bytecode stream itself.
     * Valid value types are:
     * - (u)(int/float)(32/64)
     * - BlockType
    // non-nil if the instruction creates or unwinds a stack.
    // non-nil if the instruction starts or ends a new block.
    // whether the operator can be reached during execution
    // IsReturn is true if executing this instruction will result in the
    // function returning. This is true for branches (br, br_if) to
    // the depth <max_relative_depth> + 1, or the return operator itself.
    // If true, NewStack for this instruction is nil.
    // If the operator is br_table (ops.BrTable), this is a list of StackInfo
    // fields for each of the blocks/branches referenced by the operator.

 * StackInfo stores details about a new stack created or unwound by an instruction.
typedef StackInfo = {
    // The difference between the stack depths at the end of the block
    // Whether the value on the top of the stack should be preserved while unwinding
    // Whether the unwind is equivalent to a return

 * BlockInfo stores details about a block created or ended by an instruction.
typedef BlockInfo = {
    ?start:Bool, // If true, this instruction starts a block. Else this instruction ends it.
    ?signature:BlockType, // 0x40

    // The block signature
    // Indices to the accompanying control operator.
    // For 'if', this is the index to the 'else' operator.
    ?ifElseIndex:Int,   // For 'else', this is the index to the 'if' operator.
    ?elseIfIndex:Int,   // The index to the `end' operator for if/else/loop/block.
    ?endIndex:Int,      // For end, it is the index to the operator that starts the block.

To decompile a wasm module into executable instruction sets, use the Disassembler.

var module = Module.read(reader, null); // read wasm module
var o = new StringBuf();
// compile the function index space
for(func in module.functionIndexSpace){
    var hasParams = func.sig.paramTypes.length != 0;
    var hasReturn = func.sig.returnTypes.length != 0;

    var code:Array<ISA> = new Disassembly(func, module).code;  // disassemble the function
    // Todo: execute !

    // dump text
    o.add("("); // open
    o.add("func ");
    if (hasParams) {
        var params = [for (_p in func.sig.paramTypes) _p.toString()].join(" ");
        o.add("("); // open
        o.add('param ${params}');
        o.add(")"); // close
    if (hasReturn) {
        var ret = [for (_p in func.sig.returnTypes) _p.toString()].join(" ");
        o.add("("); // open
        o.add('result ${ret}');
        o.add(")"); // close

    var fbody:String = '${[for(c in code) '(${Ops.fromInstr(c.op)} ${c.immediates.join(" ")})'].join("\n\t")}';

    o.add(' => \n\t ${fbody}');

    o.add("\n)\n"); // close

Text dump should look like this:

(func (result i32) => 
        (get_global 0)
(func (result i64) => 
        (get_global 3)
(func (result i32) => 
        (get_global 4)
(func (result i64) => 
        (get_global 7)
(func (param i32) => 
        (get_local 0)
        (set_global 4)
(func (param i64) => 
        (get_local 0)
        (set_global 7)
(func (result f32) => 
        (get_global 1)
(func (result f64) => 
        (get_global 2)
(func (result f32) => 
        (get_global 5)
(func (result f64) => 
        (get_global 6)
(func (param f32) => 
        (get_local 0)
        (set_global 5)
(func (param f64) => 
        (get_local 0)
        (set_global 6)

Run Test


java -jar bin/wasp/java/Test.jar



#unix (wine)
wine bin/wasp/bin/cs/bin/Test.exe



#unix and darwin

A globals.wat file will be generated from the globals.wasm binary

  (type (;0;) (func (result i32)))
  (type (;1;) (func (result i64)))
  (type (;2;) (func (param i32)))
  (type (;3;) (func (param i64)))
  (type (;4;) (func (result f32)))
  (type (;5;) (func (result f64)))
  (type (;6;) (func (param f32)))
  (type (;7;) (func (param f64)))
  (func (;0;) (type 0) (result i32)
    get_global 0)
  (func (;1;) (type 1) (result i64)
    get_global 3)
  (func (;2;) (type 0) (result i32)
    get_global 4)
  (func (;3;) (type 1) (result i64)
    get_global 7)
  (func (;4;) (type 2) (param i32)
    get_local 0
    set_global 4)
  (func (;5;) (type 3) (param i64)
    get_local 0
    set_global 7)
  (func (;6;) (type 4) (result f32)
    get_global 1)
  (func (;7;) (type 5) (result f64)
    get_global 2)
  (func (;8;) (type 4) (result f32)
    get_global 5)
  (func (;9;) (type 5) (result f64)
    get_global 6)
  (func (;10;) (type 6) (param f32)
    get_local 0
    set_global 5)
  (func (;11;) (type 7) (param f64)
    get_local 0
    set_global 6)
  (global (;0;) i32 (i32.const -2))
  (global (;1;) f32 (f32.const 0xc0400000 (;=-3;)))
  (global (;2;) f64 (f64.const 0xc010000000000000 (;=-4;)))
  (global (;3;) i64 (i64.const -5))
  (global (;4;) (mut i32) (i32.const -12))
  (global (;5;) (mut f32) (f32.const 0xc1500000 (;=-13;)))
  (global (;6;) (mut f64) (f64.const 0xc02c000000000000 (;=-14;)))
  (global (;7;) (mut i64) (i64.const -15))
  (export "get-a" (func 0))
  (export "get-b" (func 1))
  (export "get-x" (func 2))
  (export "get-y" (func 3))
  (export "set-x" (func 4))
  (export "set-y" (func 5))
  (export "get-1" (func 6))
  (export "get-2" (func 7))
  (export "get-5" (func 8))
  (export "get-6" (func 9))
  (export "set-5" (func 10))
  (export "set-6" (func 11))

Project Status

C++, C# and Java targets are already looking good. Notice: Please note that WASP has an issue with reading accurate unsigned integer casts of float values in C# and Java targets from Bytes, especially during conversion to other integer types


Creative Commons

Wasp vector icon gotten freely from Vecteezy