darpa-sail-on / Sail-On-API

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Sail On API



Insure python3 is accessible and pipenv is ibtalled.

  1. From the sail-on-api' directory, run 'pipenv --python 3.7'
  2. Run 'pipenv install'
  3. Run 'pipenv shell'
  4. Run 'python setup.py install'

All other commands should be run within the pipenv shell or pipenv envronment.

Running the sail-on api

To run the API locally, use the following command: sail_on_server --data-directory data/ --results-directory results

To use a different port you can add the following optional paramater: --url localhost:12345

Data Generation/Evalutation Service

sail_on_server --url localhost:3306 --data-directory ./tests/data --results-directory ./test/results


This is an interface that can be extended per project needs if the given FileProvider as described below isn't sufficient Implementing your own provider requires:


This tools provides FileProvider. The FileProvider serves all data generation function needs. It provide a very basic scoring capability. It is designed to be either (1) server as an example on how to provide the data generation or (2) to be basis for extension to its capability. and evaluation services

The FileProvider assumes tests for protocols have been pre-constructed. This includes:

The FileProvider is given two directories: a location for the test data and location to store test results. The file structure for test data is:




Running with WSGI requires a configfile (python) to specify the bind port for the service AND the worker processes count:

import multiprocessing

bind = ""
workers = 1 #multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1

Run wsgi in the PIPENV environment providing the config file for WSGI and the location of the test and results directories:

LOG_NAME=`date +"%m-%d-%Y.%H.%M"`
pipenv run gunicorn -c gunicorn.config.py 'sail_on.wsgi:create_app(data_directory="/home/robertsone/TESTS", results_directory="/home/robertsone/RESULTS")' >> "${LOG_NAME}_unicorn_0.txt" 2>&1