darrenjrobinson / 1Pwd

PowerShell Module for 1Password CLI
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1Password CLI PowerShell Module

PowerShell Module for 1Password CLI

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A PowerShell Module enabling simple methods for accessing your 1Password Vault.

UPDATE June 2023

v2 of this 1Password PowerShell Module now supports v2 of the 1Password CLI.

The module is backward compatible so if you are still using v1 of the 1Password CLI nothing changes.

v2 of this module has been on the backlog for sometime. The 1Password hackathon in partnership with Hashnode was the inspiration to finish a public version of it.



Install from the PowerShell Gallery on Windows PowerShell 5.1+ or PowerShell Core 6.x or PowerShell.

Install-Module -name 1Pwd


To use this module you will need:

Test the 1Password CLI is accessible by running the following command that will return the 1Password CLI version. If you haven't setup credentials yet you will also receive a message to that effect.

    .\op.exe --version


The module contains 4 cmdlets.

Import-Module 1Pwd
Get-Command -Module 1Pwd | Sort-Object Name | Get-Help | Format-Table Name, Synopsis -Autosize | clip

Name                          Synopsis
----                          --------
Invoke-1PasswordExpression    Invokes a 1Password CLI command.
Set-1PasswordConfiguration    Sets the default 1Password Vault and credentials.
Switch-1PasswordConfiguration Changes the 1Password configuration to a different Vault.
Test-1PasswordCredentials     Tests if the configured 1Password CLI configuration is valid.


To create a secure profile for use with the 1Pwd Module execute the following PowerShell commands with the user account on the computer that you will be using to retrieve/set 1Password Vault items. This will create the secure configuration under your Windows Profile for the logged in user on computer it was executed on. It can only be opened and the Secret Key and Master Password read using the same account on the same computer.

Set Credentials and Profile Info

Update the following with your Sign-In Address and Sign In Account (Email Address) retrieved above. You will be prompted to securely input your Secret Key and Master Password.

$1PSignInAddress = "https://my.1password.com"
$1PSignInAccount = "your@emailaddress.com"
$1PSecretKey = Read-Host "Enter your 1Password SecretKey" -AsSecureString
$1PMasterPassword = Read-Host "Enter your 1Password Master Password" -AsSecureString

Get 1Password Account Details

Using the information input above the Test-1PasswordCredentials cmdlet is used to validate them and return your account details.

$account = Test-1PasswordCredentials -SignInAddress $1PSignInAddress -SignInAccount $1PSignInAccount -SecretKey $1PSecretKey -MasterPassword $1PMasterPassword

Save 1Pwd Configuration

Having successfully provided and validated your credentials the Set-1PasswordConfiguration cmdlet will securely store the configuration in the logged in users local Windows Profile. When saving a configuration you can use the -default switch to specify that it is the default configuration. It will automatically be retrieved and a session created when the module loads.

v1.x CLI

Set-1PasswordConfiguration -Vault $account.domain -SignInAddress $1PSignInAddress -SignInAccount $1PSignInAccount -SecretKey $1PSecretKey -MasterPassword $1PMasterPassword -Default

v2.x CLI

Set-1PasswordConfiguration -Vault $account[2].Split(":")[1].trim() -SignInAddress $1PSignInAddress -SignInAccount $1PSignInAccount -SecretKey $1PSecretKey -MasterPassword $1PMasterPassword -Default


The Switch-1PasswordConfiguration cmdlet allows you to switch vaults/configuration. This is useful if you have multiple accounts. Each configuration needs to be saved using Set-1PasswordConfiguration. When saving a configuration you can use the -default switch with Set-1PasswordConfiguration to specify which is the default configuration that will be loaded when the module loads.

To change the configuration for PersonalVault2 you would use the command.

Switch-1PasswordConfiguration -vault PersonalVault2

To switch to the PersonalVault2 configuration and make it the default use the -default switch.

Switch-1PasswordConfiguration -vault PersonalVault2 -Default

Using the 1Pwd Module

The primary command/cmdlet that you will use after configuration is Invoke-1PasswordExpression.


Invokes 1Password CLI command. Any command that the 1Password v1 CLI supports can be provided.

Any command that the 1Password v2 CLI supports can be provided.

The fundamental difference between the versions of the CLI is the command syntax. 1Password CLI 2 introduces a noun-verb command structure that groups commands by topic rather than by operation.

Example v1 CLI

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "list users"

Example v2 CLI

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "user list"

There is NO NEED to specify the op.exe executable or the --session --cache switches.

Example v1 CLI

List Vaults

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "list vaults"

Example v2 CLI

List Vaults

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "vault list"

Example v1 CLI

Get Item Twitter

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "get item Twitter"

Example v1 CLI

Get Item 'Twitter Other Account' e.g An Item with spaces

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "get item 'Twitter - darrenjrobinson'"

Example v1 CLI

Get the Twitter Vault Item and return the password

((Invoke-1PasswordExpression "get item 'Twitter - darrenjrobinson'").details.fields | where-object {$_.designation -eq 'password'} | select-object -property value).value

Example v2 CLI

Get Item Twitter

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "item get Twitter"

Example v2 CLI

Get Item 'Twitter Other Account' e.g An Item with spaces

Invoke-1PasswordExpression "item get 'Twitter - darrenjrobinson'"

Example v2 CLI

Get the Twitter Vault Item and return the password

((Invoke-1PasswordExpression "item get 'Twitter - darrenjrobinson'").fields | where-object {$_.id -eq 'password'} | select-object -property value).value

Version 2

The public version of v2 of this module inspired by the 1Password Hackathon

1Password #BuildWith1Password

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