darrenyong / aprtr

Rails/React clone of the web sharing app Flickr
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Splash Page

Aprtr (Aperture) is an image hosting service inspired by Flickr. It is built using the following technologies:


Current Features

Planned Features



Upload Page 1

Upload Page 1

For the upload feature, there are two different pages. One that prompts the user to choose a file and another for the user to enter information such as title and description. This was achieved through local state. Choosing a file would call a function to modify a variable in local state and render the next page.

// Function to modify local state upon choosing file
handleFile(e) {
  const file = e.currentTarget.files[0];
  const fileReader = new FileReader;
  fileReader.onloadend = () => {   
      picture: file,
      photoUrl: fileReader.result,
      uploadState: 1

// If-else statement to determine which page to render
let uploadPage = this.state.uploadState

if (uploadPage === 0) {
  return (uploadState0)
} else if (uploadPage === 1) {
  return (uploadState1)

Upload Page 2

Upload Page 2

Viewing & Editing

Photo Explore

Explore Page

Once a user has logged in, they can access the Explore Page which acts as a photo index. The beautiful and responsive justified grid for the Explore Page was made possible through FastImage and React-Justified-Grid. All photos uploaded from all users will be shown on this page. Tabs under the navbar will eventually allow users to view different pages of the site. Clicking on a specific photo in the Explore page brings the user to a photo show page.

Photo Show

Photo Show

On this page, information such as uploader, title and description is displayed about each photo. Additionally users can choose to delete the photo or edit the title and description only if they are the current user.

Photo Edit

Photo Edit

The edit form only renders if the current user is the same as the uploader. Rendering the form on click was handled through local state as well. Clicking the section would call a function that toggles a local state variable and renders the child component. A callback to this function is passed down to the child component which would be called when the user submits the form. Upon submission, the title and description would also be updated.

// Function to toggle local state variable
toggleEdit(e) {
  this.setState((oldState) => ({photoEdit: !oldState.photoEdit}))

// Function being passed to child Component as a prop

// Edit form on submit callback
handleSubmit(e) {


Users are able to view albums and the associated photos in that album. Eventually, users will be able to create albums and add photos to any albums.

User Profile

User Profile

Clicking on the uploader while in the photo show page will direct a user to the uploader's profile. The profile page shows all the photos that a user has uploaded. Tabs under the header will eventually allow a user to view all the user's photos or albums.

User Authentication

User Authentication

User Authentication was made possible through the BCrypt gem and Ruby's built in SecureRandom module. Users must be logged in to upload photos, however, they are able to view specific photos and user profiles without being logged in.