dart-backend / angel

A polished, production-ready backend framework in Dart for the VM, AOT, and Flutter.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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StaticReflector or GeneratedReflector usage #92

Closed victor7w7r closed 8 months ago

victor7w7r commented 1 year ago

How i can use the StaticReflector for DI, i don't have any examples for usage, in my case i need to register my controller without success

class MyController extends Controller{

  a() => "Hello, world!";

void main() async {

  var reflector = const GeneratedReflector();
  Container container = Container(reflector);



  var app = Angel(reflector: reflector);

  var http = AngelHttp(app);

  await app.mountController<MyController>();

  var server = await http.startServer();
  print("Angel server listening at ${http.uri}");

Please help and thanks.

victor7w7r commented 1 year ago

I have to use @contained for generate, but @Expose not work properly for build, please help 😢

import 'dev.reflectable.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {

  a() => "Hello, world!";

void main() async {


  final reflector = GeneratedReflector();

  var app = Angel(reflector: reflector);
  var http = AngelHttp(app);

  await app.mountController<MyController>();

  print("Angel server listening at ${http.uri}");
dukefirehawk commented 1 year ago

There are some limitations to using reflectable for reflection. Work in progress to update the documents and examples.

victor7w7r commented 8 months ago

I'm amazed by this project, I wish there was more documentation to build my app in standalone mode, without using the SDK container, thanks and keep maintaining this project