dart-backend / angel

A polished, production-ready backend framework in Dart for the VM, AOT, and Flutter.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
171 stars 22 forks source link

Angel3 Framework

Angel3 Framework

Pub Version (including pre-releases) Null Safety Gitter License melos

A production-ready dart backend framework.


Angel3 originated from a fork of the archived Angel framework in support of Dart SDK 2.12.x or later. It is a full-stack backend framework in Dart that aims to streamline development by providing many common features out-of-the-box in a consistent manner. The codebase has been completely migrated and refactored to support null safety. One of the main goal is to enable developers to build both frontend and backend in dart language. Angel3 is designed as a collection of plugins that enable developers to pick and choose the parts needed for their projects. A series of starter templates are also provided for quick start and trial run with Angel3. Visit our website to learn more.

The available features in Angel3 includes:

See all of the available packages for more information.

Important Notes

Angel3 packages are published under angel3_ prefix on pub.dev. These packages have passed all of their respective test suites before going live. The development work are currently focused on:

The status of the project is as follows:

Branch: master

For more details, checkout Project Status

Release Notes

Release 9.0.0 (Future)

Release 8.0.0 (Current)

Release 7.0.0

Release 6.0.0


Installation and Setup

Create a new project by cloning from boilerplate templates

  1. Download and install Dart

  2. Clone one of the following starter projects:

  3. Run the project in development mode (hot-reloaded is enabled on file changes).

    dart --observe bin/dev.dart
  4. Run the project in production mode (hot-reloaded is disabled).

    dart bin/prod.dart
  5. Run as docker. Edit and build the image with the provided Dockerfile file.

  6. Next, refer to the developer guide to learn more about Angel3 framework.

Create a new project with Angel3 CLI

  1. Download and install Dart

  2. Install the Angel3 CLI:

    dart pub global activate angel3_cli
  3. On terminal, create a new project:

    angel3 init hello
  4. Run the project in development mode (hot-reloaded is enabled on file changes).

    dart --observe bin/dev.dart
  5. Run the project in production mode (hot-reloaded is disabled).

    dart bin/prod.dart
  6. Run as docker. Edit and build the image with the provided Dockerfile file.

  7. Next, refer to the developer guide to learn more about Angel3 framework.

Migrating from Angel to Angel3

Check out Migrating to Angel3

Performance Benchmark

The performance benchmark can be found at

TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks Round 21

The test cases are build using standard Angel3 ORM template. The result are used for fine-tuning Angel3 framework. The following test cases will be added in the upcoming update to the benchmark.

  1. Cache
  2. Angel3 with MongoDB

Examples and Documentation

Visit the User Guide for dozens of guides and resources, including video tutorials, to get up and running as quickly as possible with Angel3 framework.

Examples and complete projects can be found here.

You can also view the Angel3 API.


Interested in contributing to Angel3? See the contribution guide here.

Development Setup

  1. Fork angel repository

  2. Clone the project to local and create a new branch

    git clone https://github.com/<your_repo_name>/angel.git
    git checkout -b feature/<your_branch_name>
  3. Download and install Dart 3

  4. Install melos 6.1

    dart pub global activate melos
  5. Run melos exec "dart pub upgrade" to update all the packages

  6. Make changes to the packages

Donation & Support

If you like this project and interested in supporting its development, you can make a donation using the following services.