darthmeme / gridsome-plugin-rss

Generate an RSS feed from your Gridsome data store
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Generate an RSS feed from your Gridsome data store



module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      use: 'gridsome-plugin-rss',
      options: {
        contentTypeName: 'BlogPost',
        feedOptions: {
          title: 'My Awesome Blog',
          feed_url: 'https://superblog.com/rss.xml',
          site_url: 'https://superblog.com'
        feedItemOptions: node => ({
          title: node.title,
          description: node.description,
          url: 'https://superblog.com/post/' + node.slug,
          author: node.fields.author
        output: {
          dir: './dist',
          name: 'rss.xml'



The typeName of the contentType you wish to generate your RSS file for.

const products = store.addContentType({
  typeName: 'BlogPost', // <-- add this to contentTypename
  route: '/blog/:slug',


If true, sorts your RSS file with newest items at the top.

NOTE: In order to sort chronologically, all nodes passed to this plugin must have a valid date property. date must be a timestamp string or unix timestamp (integer). If all nodes do not have valid dates, RSS items will NOT be sorted. See JS Date Object Parameters on MDN for details.


If set, it will sort your items chonologically by the date field you set.


If set, it will filter your items using the function.

// In the options for gridsome-plugin-rss
filterItems: node => node.status === 'published'


Limits the amount of items included in your RSS feed.

NOTE: Should be used with latest set to true, otherwise newer items will be excluded.


The top level options for your RSS feed. See dylang/node-rss#feedoptions for all options


The item level options for your RSS feed. For each option (see dylang/node-rss#itemoptions for all options), node is the object that you passed into Collection.addNode

NOTE: Since Gridsome will convert any node field into camelCase, make sure that any property you access on node is also camelCased.


// In gridsome.server.js
  title: BlogPost.title,
  description: BlogPost.description,
  fields: {
    AuthorName: BlogPost.AuthorName,
    'url-slug': BlogPost['url-slug']


// In the options for gridsome-plugin-rss
feedItemOptions: node => ({
  title: node.title,
  description: node.description,
  url: 'https://superblog.com/post/' + node.fields.urlSlug,
  author: node.fields.authorName,


Specify the output directory and filename of the generated RSS. By default, it is your configured build output directory (the configured value for key outputDir) or just ./dist

dir - a relative path to desired output directory.

name - the filename of your XML file. You can omit the extension if you want to.


output: {
  dir: './dist/',
  name: 'rss' // or rss.xml