dartungar / obsidian-mood-tracker

mood tracking for obsidian.md
MIT License
80 stars 4 forks source link

Mood Tracker

Mood Tracker for Obsidian.md, inspired by Amazing Marvin's Mood Tracker.

Why this plugin?

While you definitely can build a mood tracking system in Obsidian with markdown files, metadata and Dataview, it can be tedious to maintain and use.

This plugin provides a clean, user-friendly alternative with a lot of "batteries included".

The data is stored in your vault, in plain JSON.

Track your moods & emotions

Monitor mood with "mood rating"; personalize mood labels.

Incorporate detailed emotions (fully customizable).

Include notes in entries.

See demo

Add mood tracking data to your journals

Mood Tracker allows adding entries to notes, like a daily journal, with dynamic note paths based on the entry date.

See demo

Mood tracking stats & history

View mood history in a graph. Track average and frequent moods and emotions. Click a graph point to explore daily details.

See demo

You can also edit past entries and add new entries for past days.

See demo

Embeddable graph

You can embed the graph into a note with mood-tracker-stats codeblock:

end: current-week
daysBeforeEnd: 90
showAverage: true
showMostCommonMood: true
showCommonEmotionsList: true
height: 500px


For example, this codeblock will render records for the current month, with no additional info:

end: current-month
daysBeforeEnd: 39



Mood tracking


Add entry to daily note


History and stats


Edit past entries
