darwinia-network / omni-balance

Seamless Liquidity Management Across Blockchains
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balancing-control cex cross-chain defi dex evm liquidity

Omni Balance

Omni Balance is an intelligent liquidity management tool designed to achieve seamless interoperability between decentralized exchanges (DEX), centralized exchanges (CEX), and bridging services. It integrates automated cross-chain operations to help users effortlessly balance their liquidity pools while ensuring token balances across different addresses are replenished.

Table of Contents


Supported Providers

name swap cross-chain
Helix Bridge
Darwinia Bridge
OKX web3
Router Nitro


Download Binary Files from GitHub Releases

  1. Visit the Releases page.
  2. Download the latest version of the binary file for your operating system.

Using Docker

  1. Pull the Docker image: docker pull ghcr.io/darwinia-network/omni-balance:latest

Building from Source

  1. Ensure Golang 1.22 or later is installed.
  2. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/darwinia-network/omni-balance && cd omni-balance
  3. Build the project: go build ./cmd

Using Golang Install

  1. Run the command: go install github.com/darwinia-network/omni-balance@latest


Supported Commands

   omni-balance [global options] command [command options] 

   gate_liquidity  Create an order for the liquidity of Gate.
   del_order       delete order by id
   version, v      show version
   list            list supported providers and docs
   tasks           list supported tasks
   example         create a example config file
   help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command


    --conf value, -c value              (default: "./config.yaml")        
          config file path

    --placeholder, -p                   (default: false)                  
          enable placeholder, you can use placeholder to replace private key, Example:
          Fill '{{privateKey}}' in config.yaml.Run with -p to enable placeholder, Example:
          -c ./config.yaml -pWaiting for 'waiting for placeholder...' log, send
          placeholder data according to the prompt.

    --port value                        (default: ":8080")                
          When the placeholder parameter is set to true, you can specify and set the
          listening address of the HTTP server that receives the placeholder.


    --help, -h                          (default: false)                  
          show help


Configuration Reference
debug: true
apiKey: "999999999999"
# All utilized blockchain networks along with their corresponding tokens must be defined here.
  - id: 42161 # Chain ID
    name: arbitrum # Chain name
    nativeToken: "ETH" # Native token of the chain; if not provided, defaults to the token with contract address set to zero.
    rpcEndpoints: # List of RPC endpoints; multiple entries can be specified, and requests will cycle through these.
      - https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc
      - https://arbitrum.llamarpc.com
      - https://arb-mainnet-public.unifra.io
      - https://arbitrum.rpc.subquery.network/public
      - https://1rpc.io/arb
    tokens: # All required tokens must be configured.
      - name: ETH # Token name
        contractAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" # Token contract address
        decimals: 18 # Token decimal places; must be specified.
      - name: USDT
        contractAddress: "0xFd086bC7CD5C481DCC9C85ebE478A1C0b69FCbb9"
        decimals: 6
      - name: RING
        contractAddress: "0x9e523234D36973f9e38642886197D023C88e307e"
        decimals: 18
  - id: 137
    name: polygon
    nativeToken: "MATIC"
      - https://polygon-rpc.com
      - name: MATIC
        contractAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
        decimals: 18
      - name: USDT
        contractAddress: "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F"
        decimals: 6
  - id: 1
    name: ethereum
    nativeToken: "ETH"
      - https://eth.llamarpc.com
      - https://rpc.ankr.com/eth
      - https://1rpc.io/eth
      - https://ethereum-rpc.publicnode.com
      - name: ETH
        contractAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
        decimals: 18
      - name: RING
        contractAddress: 0x9469D013805bFfB7D3DEBe5E7839237e535ec483
        decimals: 18
  - id: 534352
    name: scroll
    nativeToken: "ETH"
      - https://rpc.scroll.io
      - https://scroll.drpc.org
      - https://1rpc.io/scroll
      - name: ETH
        contractAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
        decimals: 18
      - name: USDT
        contractAddress: 0xf55BEC9cafDbE8730f096Aa55dad6D22d44099Df
        decimals: 6

# During rebalancing, tokens from the following configuration will be selected to determine the optimal route for swaps.
  - name: ETH # Token name, must match the token name in the 'chains' section.
    chains: # On which chains this token can be used as a source token.
      - arbitrum
      - scroll
      - ethereum
  - name: USDT
      - arbitrum
      - scroll
      - ethereum
  - name: RING
      - arbitrum
      - ethereum

# Providers that need to be enabled.
  - type: CEX
    name: gate.io
      key: <gate_api_key>
      secret: <gate_api_secret>
  - type: DEX
    name: uniswap
  - type: Bridge
    name: helixbridge
    config: {}
  - type: Bridge
    name: darwinia-bridge
  - type: Bridge
    liquidityName: router_nitro
    config: {}
  - type: Bridge
    liquidityName: okx
      apiKey: "xxxx"
      secretKey: "xxxx"
      passphrase: "xxxxx"
      project: "xxxxx"

# Database storage settings.
  type: SQLite # Database type; options include: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.
  SQLITE: # SQLite configuration.
    path: ./omni-balance.db

# Task execution intervals.
  crossChain: 30m # Interval for processing cross-chain order tasks.
  getTokenPriceInUsdt: 30m # Interval for fetching token price tasks.
  bot: 2m # Interval for running bot tasks, primarily for creating orders.
  market: 2m # Interval for executing order tasks.

# Wallets configuration for monitoring purposes where direct operations on these addresses are not allowed.
# All token operations like withdrawals or deposits will be executed through the associated operator address.
  - address: 0x888888c278443CFC4D6E60b1964c2F1BAc3Ef257
    # Private key for the wallet associated with the operator address for transaction signing.
    privateKey: <0x9273283412f0A26C2cB99BBD874D54AD18540101_privateKey>
      # Configuration for triggering the gate_liquidity bot when the balance of a specific token at this address meets certain conditions.
      - name: USDT
        # Current amount of the token at the address.
        amount: "1.5"
        # Threshold amount; when the balance is less than or equal to this value, the gate_liquidity bot is activated.
        threshold: "1"
        # List of chains where the token balance is to be monitored.
          - arbitrum
          - polygon


Using Docker
  1. Run the Docker image:
    docker run -d --name omni-balance -p 8080:8080 \
    -v <you-host-path>:/data \
    --restart=always \
    --name omni-balance \
     omni-balance:latest -c /data/config.yaml -p
  2. Check logs: docker logs omni-balance
Using command
  1. Run the command: omni-balance -c <your-config-path> -p
Replacing Placeholders (Optional)

For security reasons, if you do not want to write private keys in plain text in the configuration file, you can replace placeholders via a POST request

  1. Run the command:
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8080 \
    -d '{"<wallet1_private_key>":"xxxx", "<wallet2_private_key>":"xxxx"}'
  2. Clear history
    history -c