----- Project goals -----
- Create a simulation of the DARwIn-OP robot on the Webots simulator as realisitc as possible.
- Allow to run a controller written using exclusively the Webots API (and not the Robotis API) in simulation and in reality
----- Project structure -----
The root of the project should match with the root of Webots.
At each new Webots release, this project can be merged in the root directory of Webots.
----- Installation (beta) -----
A. Get the git repository
- Let say its git repository path is called $GIT_REPOSITORY
B. Install Webots
- Follow the instructions of the user manual of Webots to install Webots
- Let say its installation path is called $WEBOTS_HOME
C. Install default software on the DARwIn-OP
- Let say the root path of the DARwIn-OP is called $DARWINOP
D. Run the simulation
- Merge the "resources" directory git repository with the "resources" directory of Webots
- Compile the darwin and manager libraries by typing:
$ cd $WEBOTS_HOME/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/libraries/darwin
$ make
=> $WEBOTS_HOME/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/libraries/darwin/libdarwin is generated
$ cd $WEBOTS_HOME/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/libraries/managers
$ make
=> $WEBOTS_HOME/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/libraries/managers/libmanagers is generated
- Compile a Soccer controller
Open Webots and compile the controller:
$ webots $GIT_REPOSITORY/projects/robots/darwin-op/worlds/soccer.wbt
From the Webots GUI, open $GIT_REPOSITORY/projects/robots/darwin-op/controllers/soccer/Soccer.cpp and
hit the "Build / Build" menu item.
Revert and play the simulation.
E. Run the same controller on the DARwIn-OP
- Make sure you have version 1.5.0 of DARwIn-OP's Framework installed on the robot.
The version of the Framework can be checked in /darwin/ReleaseNote.txt
If version 1.5.0 is not installed you can found it here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/darwinop/files/Software/Main%20Controller/Source%20Code/
You simply have to merge /darwin with the files present in DARwIn-OP_ROBOTIS_v1.5.0.zip
On the DARwIn-OP, merge $GIT_REPOSITORY/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/libraries/darwin/darwin/ with existing DARwIn-OP source code in /darwin/ directory
$ cp -R $GIT_REPOSITORY/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/libraries/darwin/darwin/* /darwin/
On the DARwIn-OP, recompile the Framework
$ cd /darwin/Linux/build
$ make clean
$ make
$ cd /darwin/Linux/project/demo
$ make distclean
$ make
$ chown darwin.darwin /darwin
- On the DARwIn-OP, create a /darwin/Linux/project/webots directory
- Copy-paste the "libraries/managers/include", "libraries/managers/lib", "transfer", and "libraries/managers/src" directories of the $GIT_REPOSITORY/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op
directory directly in the /darwin/Linux/project/webots directory
- Do the same with the $GIT_REPOSITORY/projects/robots/darwin-op/controllers directory.
Note: From now, on the real DARwIn-OP, you should have these directories:
- Compile the wrapper library
$ cd /darwin/Linux/project/webots/transfer/lib
$ make
- Compile the managers library
$ cd /darwin/Linux/project/webots/lib
$ make -f Makefile.darwin-op
- Compile the controller
$ cd /darwin/Linux/project/webots/controllers/symmetry
$ make -f Makefile.darwin-op
-10. Start the controller
$ ./symmetry
To stop the controller press Ctrl+c
You can now try the other examples presents in the directory "controllers"
F. Run your controller on the robot from Webots (remote-control)
- On the DARwIn-OP, copy paste $GIT_REPOSITORY/resources/projects/robots/darwin-op/remote_control directory in /darwin/Linux/project/webots
- Compile remote control serveur on the DARwIn-OP
$ cd /darwin/Linux/project/webots/remote_control
$ make -f Makefile.darwin-op
- Start the remote serveur
$ /darwin/Linux/project/webots/remote_control/remote_control 1 1 (adjust parameters if camera resolution is not 320x240, example 2 1 for a resolution of 160x240)
- Set the robot in remote-control mode on Webots by adding the following lines in the controller
const char arguments[16] = ""; // adjust IP adress if the robot is connected by wifi
setMode(MODE_REMOTE_CONTROL, (void *)arguments);
- Compile controller and revert world
----- Known issues -----
- In simulation, in the DARwInOPGaitManager, the lateral balance do not work as expected.
It is recommended to set balance_hip_roll_gain and balance_ankle_roll_gain to 0.0,
this must be done in the file 'config.ini' attached to the controller.
- In simulation the P gain of the servo affects the speed but on the real robot it affects
the torque. This can cause differences between simulation and reality in some specific cases.
Especially when P is small.
----- Contributors -----
Robotis, Cyberbotics, and users ^^