A single Cloud Native Buildpack
that can build native images for AMD64 and ARM64
# Make a new directory and switch to it
mkdir java-native-builder-multiarch-test
cd java-native-builder-multiarch-test
# Create a Spring Boot 3 application
curl https://start.spring.io/starter.tgz -d dependencies=web,actuator -d javaVersion=17 -d bootVersion=3.0.0-SNAPSHOT -d type=maven-project | tar -xzf -
# Remove the last line of the pom.xml file (on Mac OS X)
sed -i '' -e '$ d' pom.xml
# Add the new profile to the end of the pom.xml, replacing the line we just deleted
echo "
</project>" >> pom.xml
# build the application using the multiarch builder on AMD64 or ARM64
./mvnw -Pnative,dashaun spring-boot:build-image
# run the image
docker run -p 8080:8080 demo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT &
# test with httpie
http :8080/actuator/health
# test with curl
curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
docker manifest create dashaun/java-native-builder-multiarch:7.37.0 --amend dashaun/java-native-builder-arm64:7.37.0 --amend paketobuildpacks/builder:tiny
docker manifest push dashaun/java-native-builder-multiarch:7.37.0
docker manifest create dashaun/java-native-builder-multiarch:latest --amend dashaun/java-native-builder-arm64:7.37.0 --amend paketobuildpacks/builder:tiny
docker manifest push dashaun/java-native-builder-multiarch:latest
This article has the instructions for use, validating and replicating the work.