dashbitco / nimble_parsec

A simple and fast library for text-based parser combinators
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binary elixir parser-combinator


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NimbleParsec is a simple and fast library for text-based parser combinators.

Combinators are composed programmatically and compiled into multiple clauses with binary matching. This provides the following benefits:

The goal of this library is to focus on a set of primitives for writing efficient parser combinators. The composition aspect means you should be able to use those primitives to implement higher level combinators.

Note this library does not handle low-level binary parsing. In such cases, we recommend using Elixir's bitstring syntax.


defmodule MyParser do
  import NimbleParsec

  date =
    |> ignore(string("-"))
    |> integer(2)
    |> ignore(string("-"))
    |> integer(2)

  time =
    |> ignore(string(":"))
    |> integer(2)
    |> ignore(string(":"))
    |> integer(2)
    |> optional(string("Z"))

  defparsec :datetime, date |> ignore(string("T")) |> concat(time), debug: true

#=> {:ok, [2010, 4, 17, 14, 12, 34, "Z"], "", %{}, {1, 0}, 20}

If you add debug: true to defparsec/3, it will print the generated clauses, which are shown below:

defp datetime__0(<<x0, x1, x2, x3, "-", x4, x5, "-", x6, x7, "T",
                   x8, x9, ":", x10, x11, ":", x12, x13, rest::binary>>,
                 acc, stack, comb__context, comb__line, comb__column)
     when x0 >= 48 and x0 <= 57 and (x1 >= 48 and x1 <= 57) and
         (x2 >= 48 and x2 <= 57) and (x3 >= 48 and x3 <= 57) and
         (x4 >= 48 and x4 <= 57) and (x5 >= 48 and x5 <= 57) and
         (x6 >= 48 and x6 <= 57) and (x7 >= 48 and x7 <= 57) and
         (x8 >= 48 and x8 <= 57) and (x9 >= 48 and x9 <= 57) and
         (x10 >= 48 and x10 <= 57) and (x11 >= 48 and x11 <= 57) and
         (x12 >= 48 and x12 <= 57) and (x13 >= 48 and x13 <= 57) do
    [(x13 - 48) * 1 + (x12 - 48) * 10, (x11 - 48) * 1 + (x10 - 48) * 10,
     (x9 - 48) * 1 + (x8 - 48) * 10, (x7 - 48) * 1 + (x6 - 48) * 10, (x5 - 48) * 1 + (x4 - 48) * 10,
     (x3 - 48) * 1 + (x2 - 48) * 10 + (x1 - 48) * 100 + (x0 - 48) * 1000] ++ acc,
    comb__column + 19

defp datetime__0(rest, acc, _stack, context, line, column) do
  {:error, "...", rest, context, line, column}

defp datetime__1(<<"Z", rest::binary>>, acc, stack, comb__context, comb__line, comb__column) do
  datetime__2(rest, ["Z"] ++ acc, stack, comb__context, comb__line, comb__column + 1)

defp datetime__1(rest, acc, stack, context, line, column) do
  datetime__2(rest, acc, stack, context, line, column)

defp datetime__2(rest, acc, _stack, context, line, column) do
  {:ok, acc, rest, context, line, column}

As you can see, it generates highly inlined code, comparable to hand-written parsers. This gives NimbleParsec an order of magnitude performance gains compared to other parser combinators. Further performance can be gained by giving the inline: true option to defparsec/3.


Add nimble_parsec to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:nimble_parsec, "~> 1.0"}


All nimble libraries by Dashbit:


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