Welcome to Dash Wallet, a standalone Dash payment app for your Android device!
This project contains several sub-projects:
- wallet:
The Android app itself. This is probably what you're searching for. wallet README
- common:
Contains common components used by integrations.
- features:
Contains features such as Explore Dash
- market:
App description and promo material for the Google Play app store.
- integration-android:
A tiny library for integrating Dash payments into your own Android app
(e.g. donations, in-app purchases).
- integrations
Contains the various integrations: Crowdnode, Coinbase, Uphold,
- sample-integration-android:
A minimal example app to demonstrate integration of digital payments into
your Android app.
You can build the production version using Gradle:
./gradlew assembleProdRelease
The built apks will be in wallet/build/outputs/apk