Laravel >= 5
TwigBridge >= 0.7
composer require daspete/patternlab-twig-laravel
Once you have installed the package, you need to register it and its dependencies in your app config -> /config/app.php
add following lines to your 'providers' array:
'providers' => [
and add the TwigBridge Facade to your 'aliases' array:
'aliases' => [
'Twig' => TwigBridge\Facade\Twig::class,
after that, you need to publish the configs of this package and of the TwigBridge package:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TwigBridge\ServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Daspete\Laravel\ServiceProvider"
and edit the new config in /config/twigbridge.php, insert the patternlab extension into the 'extension' array:
'extensions' => [
'enabled' => [
to get everything working, you'll need some files and directories in the right place.
Download the Resource Pack and unzip the contents into the /resources/ folder.