dassjosh / Rust.DiscordSignLogger

MIT License
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Sign Update

Pattern Firework Update

Sign Artist URL

Erased Replaced Image

Action Log

Discord Link

This plugin supports Discord Link provided by the Discord Extension. This plugin will work with any plugin that provides linked player data through Discord Link.

Linux Users

Please see this post to make sure you have required dependencies installed

Getting Your Bot Token

Click Here to learn how to get an Discord Bot Token


  "Discord Bot Token": "",
  "Action Log Settings": {
    "Action Log Channel ID": "",
    "Action Log Buttons": [
        "Button Display Name": "Image Message",
        "Button Style": "Link",
        "Commands": [
  "Disable Discord Button After User": true,
  "Delete Saved Log Data After (Days)": 14.0,
  "Delete Cached Button Data After (Days)": 14.0,
  "Replace Erased Image (Requires SignArtist)": {
    "Replaced Mode (None, Url, Text)": "Url",
    "URL": "https://i.postimg.cc/mD5xZ5R5/Erased-4.png",
    "Message": "ERASED BY ADMIN",
    "Font Size": 16,
    "Text Color": "#cd4632",
    "Body Color": "#000000"
  "Firework Settings": {
    "Image Size (Pixels)": 250,
    "Circle Size (Pixels)": 19
  "Sign Messages": [
      "Discord Channel ID": "",
      "Message Config": {
        "content": "",
        "embeds": [
            "Title": "{server.name}",
            "Description": "",
            "Url": "",
            "Embed Color (Hex Color Code)": "#AC7061",
            "Image Url": "attachment://image.png",
            "Thumbnail Url": "",
            "Add Timestamp": true,
            "Embed Fields": [
                "Title": "Player:",
                "Value": "{player.name} ([{player.id}](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{player.id}))",
                "Inline": true
                "Title": "Owner:",
                "Value": "{dsl.entity.owner.name} ([{dsl.entity.owner.id}](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{dsl.entity.owner.id}))",
                "Inline": true
                "Title": "Position:",
                "Value": "{dsl.entity.position:0.00!x} {dsl.entity.position:0.00!y} {dsl.entity.position:0.00!z}",
                "Inline": true
                "Title": "Item:",
                "Value": "{dsl.entity.name}",
                "Inline": true
                "Title": "Texture Index:",
                "Value": "{dsl.entity.textureindex}",
                "Inline": true
            "Footer": {
              "Icon Url": "",
              "Text": "",
              "Enabled": true
      "Button Commands": [
          "Player Message": "",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": false,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Player Profile",
          "Button Style": "Link",
          "Commands": [
          "Player Message": "",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": false,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Owner Profile",
          "Button Style": "Link",
          "Commands": [
          "Player Message": "An admin erased your sign for being inappropriate",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": false,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Erase",
          "Button Style": "Primary",
          "Commands": [
            "dsl.erase {dsl.entity.id} {dsl.entity.textureindex}"
          "Player Message": "An admin erased your sign for being inappropriate",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": true,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Sign Block (24 Hours)",
          "Button Style": "Primary",
          "Commands": [
            "dsl.signblock {player.id} 1440.0"
          "Player Message": "An admin killed your sign for being inappropriate",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": true,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Kill Entity",
          "Button Style": "Secondary",
          "Commands": [
            "entid kill {dsl.entity.id}"
          "Player Message": "",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": true,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Kick Player",
          "Button Style": "Danger",
          "Commands": [
            "kick {player.id} \"{dsl.kick.reason}\"",
            "dsl.erase {dsl.entity.id} {dsl.entity.textureindex}"
          "Player Message": "",
          "Server Message": "",
          "Requires Permissions To Use Button": true,
          "Allowed Discord Roles (Role ID)": [],
          "Allowed Oxide Groups (Group Name)": [],
          "Button Display Name": "Ban Player",
          "Button Style": "Danger",
          "Commands": [
            "ban {player.id} \"{dsl.ban.reason}\"",
            "dsl.erase {dsl.entity.id} {dsl.entity.textureindex}"
  "Discord Extension Log Level (Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Exception, Off)": "Info"

Note: You can use Thread Channel ID's for Channel ID's as of version 1.0.8

Button Commands

Button commands are run as server console commands. Any command that can be ran from the console will work as a button command

Available Discord Button Styles

Below is a list of button styles that can be used for your "Button Style" in the config







This plugin supports all default PlaceholderApi placeholders and adds some additional ones listed below.

{dsl.entity.id} - Returns the entity ID
{dsl.entity.textureindex} - Returns the texture index for the image
{dsl.entity.name} - Returns the entity item name
{dsl.entity.owner.id} - Returns the entity owner steam id
{dsl.entity.owner.name} - Returns the entity owner player name
{dsl.entity.position} - Returns the entity position on the server
{dsl.signartist.url} - Returns the sign artist url
{dsl.discord.user.id} - Returns the discord user ID of the user who clicked on the button
{dsl.discord.user.name} - Returns the discord user name of the user who clicked on the button
{dsl.kick.reason} - Returns the kick reason lang message
{dsl.ban.reason} - Returns the ban reason lang message
{dsl.action.guild.id} - Actioned Message Guild ID
{dsl.action.channel.id} - Actioned Message Channel ID
{dsl.action.message.id} - Actioned Message Message ID


dsl.erase {entityId} {textureIndex} - Will erase the image from the entity id with the given index
dsl.signblock {playerId} {durationInSeconds} - Will block a player from updating a sign for specified minutes. If no time is specified block will be permanent.
dsl.signunblock {playerId} - Will unblock a previous blocked player. Allowing them to update signs again.


  "Chat": "<color=#bebebe>[<color=#de8732>Discord Sign Logger</color>] {0}</color>",
  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to perform this action",
  "KickReason": "You have been kicked for an inappropriate sign/firework image",
  "BanReason": "You have been banned for an inappropriate sign/firework image",
  "SignBannedMessage": "You're not allowed to update this sign because you have been banned. Your ban will expire in {0}.",
  "FireworkBannedMessage": "You're not allowed to update this firework because you have been banned. Your ban will expire in {0}.",
  "ActionMessage": "[Discord Sign Logger] <@{dsl.discord.user.id}> ran command \"{dsl.command}\"",
  "DeletedLog": "The log data for this message was not found. If it's older than {0} days then it may have been deleted.",
  "DeletedButtonCache": "Button was not found in cache. If this message is older than {0} days then it may have been deleted.",
  "Format.Day": "day ",
  "Format.Days": "days ",
  "Format.Hour": "hour ",
  "Format.Hours": "hours ",
  "Format.Minute": "minute ",
  "Format.Minutes": "minutes ",
  "Format.Second": "second",
  "Format.Seconds": "seconds",
  "Format.TimeField": "<color=#de8732>{0}</color> {1}",
  "SignArtistTitle": "Sign Artist URL:",
  "SignArtistValue": "[URL]({dsl.signartist.url})"