This repo contains materials for the SciPy 2023 Data APIs Consortium presentation and proceedings paper.
The published proceedings paper can be found at
To cite the paper, use
@InProceedings{ aaron_meurer-proc-scipy-2023,
author = { {A}aron {M}eurer and {A}than {R}eines and {R}alf {G}ommers and {Y}ao-{L}ung {L}. {F}ang and {J}ohn {K}irkham and {M}atthew {B}arber and {S}tephan {H}oyer and {A}ndreas {M}\"uller and {S}heng {Z}ha and {S}aul {S}hanabrook and {S}tephannie {J}im\'enez {G}acha and {M}ario {L}ezcano-{C}asado and {T}homas {J}. {F}an and {T}yler {R}eddy and {A}lexandre {P}assos and {H}yukjin {K}won and {T}ravis {O}liphant and {C}onsortium for {P}ython {D}ata {A}{P}{I} {S}tandards },
title = { {P}ython {A}rray {A}{P}{I} {S}tandard: {T}oward {A}rray {I}nteroperability in the {S}cientific {P}ython {E}cosystem },
booktitle = { {P}roceedings of the 22nd {P}ython in {S}cience {C}onference },
pages = { 8 - 17 },
year = { 2023 },
editor = { {M}eghann {A}garwal and {C}hris {C}alloway and {D}illon {N}iederhut },
doi = { 10.25080/gerudo-f2bc6f59-001 }
Slides for the SciPy presentation can be found on Speaker Deck or in this repo.