data2health / project-repo-template

template for project repositories
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Template for project repositories

Before this example repo, team members had a hard time understanding the expectations for what the repo and associated milestones should look like. This repo provides a concrete (though abstracted) instantiation and provides an introductory GitHub tutorial for project management purposes.

This "project" will be evaluated on the basis of how easily it is understood by members of the CD2H team who need to make their own similar repositories.

Problem statement

Please include a Project Statement on your landing page. Your problem statement should be in the form of: What can CTSAs/the community not do now, that would be addressed by this project's success? A problem statement should be a clear vision and the overall method that will be used to solve the problem at hand.

Project description

(we will migrate these from the Project Matrix for you)

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Contact person

We require a contact person for each project for administrative purposes. Each project should also have a CD2H Program director assigned.

Point person (github handle) Site Program Director
Julie McMurry (@jmcmurry) OHSU Melissa Haendel (@mellybelly)


Project scientific leadership, should be 1-3 persons.

Lead(s) (github handle) Site
Julie McMurry (@jmcmurry) OHSU

Team members

No action required here, a list of team members will be imported and linked below.



List all of the Github repositories associated with the project. Each project requires at least one repository to house the project management layer. The "PM layer" constitutes the,,, as well as the milestones and issues.

You can either add the PM layer to an existing repository, or create a new repository for this and instead list the associated repositories below. Please be sure to tag any related repositories (whether or not they are already under the data2health organization) with the topic 'data2health'. The repository associated with the PM layer must be public. Other repositories associated with the project (where applicable) may be private for reasons of sensitivity or privacy.

Example repos:

This list can be omitted if you have only one repo (one and the same with the PM layer). Otherwise, list the other project-associated repos that live inside or outside the data2health GitHub organization. Note that only one repo per project needs to contain the PM layer. That is to say, don't add education to every repo in a project etc.


Deliverables are defined as work products accessible on and after completion of the project, and include documents, code repositories, web services, etc. Typically milestones build towards deliverables, but are not deliverables per se.

Each project should propose one or more deliverables. Examples: a released code package, a best practices document, a final survey, a set of survey results, etc.

Each deliverable should include a description (or bulleted list) of the functionality of said deliverable. For example, “The Competitions tool supports recruitment of external reviewers and submission of their reviews”. Information to include:


Think of each milestone like a sprint; a collection of issues to guide the development of the work and help us track the progress.

Each deliverable is represented as a Milestone, but not all Milestones need be deliverables. For example, see this 'report on XYZ' is a Deliverable Milestone

Please create 4-8 Milestones for each project, with dates prior to August 31st. Milestones for partially completed deliverables are acceptable: beta release of software, # interviews performed, 75% coverage, etc.

Each Milestone must have at least one Issue (aka 'ticket'), each issue should be assigned to a person, preferably one at a time; reassignments are fine. Issues with checklists showing degree of completion are also acceptable, see example.

Feel free to reference a key milestone here if you want, but don't go into detail about milestones here in the readme, you'll need to create each milestone separately by going to the issues list for your for your and clicking the milestones button. GitHub help on Milestones is here.


Each project should propose a set of evaluation measures, recorded in a separate Evaluation Plan file, for example here. These will be reviewed by the Evaluation committee and approved by the Program Directors and NCATS. The Evaluation committee will meet with each Project team leads to assist.

Each project should have Evaluation-realated issues, that can be labeled with the "evaluation" label (aka tag). see Example Evaluation Issue


See for details. Each project should have Education-realated issues, that can be labeled with the "education" label.

Get involved

We encourage the community to get involved.

We require all CD2H projects to have non-CD2H CTSA participants, as CD2H is a CTSA coordinating center. Each project should include an Engagement plan file, example here.

Please label any engagment related issues with "engagement" label.

Working documents

Documentation may be natively in GitHub using the wiki or .md files in the appropriate folder, or in Google Drive. Documentating projects in Github

The project Google drive folder is accessible to onboarded participants.

Slack channel

The project slack channel [#yourChannelNameHere](link to your channel here) is accessible to onboarded participants. You will not automatically be added to Slack; however, we encourage you to please join via the link you are emailed when you onboard (

Need help with GitHub? See the Managing Tranlational Informatics Projects (MTIP) tutorial

This tutorial covers markdown basics and more.


Research reported in this work was supported by the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.