data4development / iati-workbench

Create IATI data files from a mix of spreadsheets and IATI input files.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

= Spreadsheets2IATI engine

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Tool to transform a set of input files (spreadsheets, IATI) into a combined IATI file.

See[the developer documentation website] for further information on how the conversion tool works.

== Getting started


The scripts are tested on Ubuntu.

A known issue is that the iati-workbench script uses GNU's readlink -f feature.

For Mac: the -f option apparently has been added in macOS 12.3.

For earlier versions, an option is to install coreutils, and change the script to use greadlink.[See this StackOverflow question.]

=== Set up a development environment

. Clone the repository, make sure to include the submodules: + $ git submodule update --init --recursive

. Optional: put the aida-s2i script in your path, for instance as a symlink: + $ ln -s ${PWD}/aida-s2i ~/bin/aida-s2i

. Optional: create a local version of the documentation: + $ npm i + $ npm run docs:local + Open the file build/site/index.html in a browser.

=== Set up a workspace and run a demo conversion

. Create a workspace directory outside the source repository, for instance: + $ mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace

. Build a local container image from within the workspace directory: + $ aida-s2i -d build

. Create the structure of workspace directories, and add the demo spreadsheet templates. + $ aida-s2i add-templates

. Run your first conversion + $ aida-s2i spreadsheet-iati

=== Acknowledgements

First inspiration came from[Kit Wallace's Aidview DB (working with eXist)]


aida-s2i currently is a symlink to iati-workbench. This was done to facilitate synchronisation with an earlier version of the project.

TODO: rename iati-workbench as aida-s2i and verify.

TODO: Continuing on testing, would it be helpful for the testing setup to include some kind of CI/CD steps? Like having the tests run whenever you push and perhaps integrating some test coverage interface? @stefanos perhaps you could elaborate?